首页> 外文期刊>Medical Imaging, IEEE Transactions on >LOGISMOS-B: Layered Optimal Graph Image Segmentation of Multiple Objects and Surfaces for the Brain

LOGISMOS-B: Layered Optimal Graph Image Segmentation of Multiple Objects and Surfaces for the Brain


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Automated reconstruction of the cortical surface is one of the most challenging problems in the analysis of human brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). A desirable segmentation must be both spatially and topologically accurate, as well as robust and computationally efficient. We propose a novel algorithm, LOGISMOS-B, based on probabilistic tissue classification, generalized gradient vector flows and the LOGISMOS graph segmentation framework. Quantitative results on MRI datasets from both healthy subjects and multiple sclerosis patients using a total of 16$thinspace$ 800 manually placed landmarks illustrate the excellent performance of our algorithm with respect to spatial accuracy. Remarkably, the average signed error was only 0.084 mm for the white matter and 0.008 mm for the gray matter, even in the presence of multiple sclerosis lesions. Statistical comparison shows that LOGISMOS-B produces a significantly more accurate cortical reconstruction than FreeSurfer, the current state-of-the-art approach $(p ll 0.001)$. Furthermore, LOGISMOS-B enjoys a run time that is less than a third of that of FreeSurfer, which is both substantial, considering the latter takes 10 h/subject on average, and a statistically significant speedup.
机译:皮质表面的自动重建是人脑磁共振成像(MRI)分析中最具挑战性的问题之一。理想的分割必须在空间和拓扑上都是准确的,并且必须健壮且计算效率高。我们基于概率组织分类,广义梯度矢量流和LOGISMOS图分割框架,提出了一种新算法LOGISMOS-B。来自健康受试者和多发性硬化症患者的MRI数据集上的定量结果(共使用16个thinspace $ 800个手动放置的界标)说明了我们算法在空间准确性方面的出色性能。值得注意的是,即使存在多发性硬化病灶,白质的平均有符号错误也仅为0.084 mm,灰质的为0.008 mm。统计比较表明,LOGISMOS-B产生的皮层重建比FreeSurfer(目前最先进的方法$(p ll 0.001)$)要精确得多。此外,LOGISMOS-B的运行时间不到FreeSurfer的三分之一,这是相当可观的,考虑到后者平均耗时10小时/对象,并且具有明显的加速效果。



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