首页> 外文期刊>Magnetics, IEEE Transactions on >Parallel Realization of the Element-by-Element FEM Technique by CUDA

Parallel Realization of the Element-by-Element FEM Technique by CUDA


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The utilization of Graphical Processing Units (GPUs) for the element-by-element (EbE) finite element method (FEM) is demonstrated. EbE FEM is a long known technique, by which a conjugate gradient (CG) type iterative solution scheme can be entirely decomposed into computations on the element level, i.e., without assembling the global system matrix. In our implementation NVIDIA's parallel computing solution, the Compute Unified Device Architecture (CUDA) is used to perform the required element-wise computations in parallel. Since element matrices need not be stored, the memory requirement can be kept extremely low. It is shown that this low-storage but computation-intensive technique is better suited for GPUs than those requiring the massive manipulation of large data sets.
机译:演示了图形处理单元(GPU)在逐元素(EbE)有限元方法(FEM)中的利用。 EbE FEM是一项众所周知的技术,通过该技术,共轭梯度(CG)型迭代求解方案可以完全分解为元素级别的计算,即,无需组装全局系统矩阵。在我们的NVIDIA并行计算解决方案实施中,计算统一设备体系结构(CUDA)用于并行执行所需的逐元素计算。由于不需要存储元素矩阵,因此可以将存储需求保持在极低的水平。结果表明,这种低存储量但计算量大的技术比需要大量处理大数据集的GPU更适合GPU。



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