首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Information Theory >Noisy Broadcast Networks With Receiver Caching

Noisy Broadcast Networks With Receiver Caching


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An erasure broadcast network is considered with two disjoint sets of receivers: a set of weak receivers with all-equal erasure probabilities and equal cache sizes and a set of strong receivers with all-equal erasure probabilities and no cache memories. Lower and upper bounds are presented on the capacity-memory tradeoff of this network (the largest rate at which messages can be reliably communicated for given cache sizes). The lower bound is achieved by means of a joint cache-channel coding scheme and significantly improves over traditional schemes based on the separate cache-channel coding. In particular, it is shown that the joint cache-channel coding offers new global caching gains that scale with the number of strong receivers in the network. The upper bound uses bounding techniques from degraded broadcast channels and introduces an averaging argument to capture the fact that the contents of the cache memories are designed before knowing users' demands. The derived upper bound is valid for all stochastically degraded broadcast channels. The lower and upper bounds match for a single weak receiver (and any number of strong receivers) when the cache size does not exceed a certain threshold. Improved bounds are presented for the special case of a single weak and a single strong receiver with two files and the bounds are shown to match over a large range of cache sizes.



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