首页> 外文期刊>IEEE transactions on information technology in biomedicine >A Cellular Neural Network Methodology for Deformable Object Simulation

A Cellular Neural Network Methodology for Deformable Object Simulation


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This paper presents a new methodology to simulate soft object deformation by drawing an analogy between a cellular neural network (CNN) and elastic deformation. The potential energy stored in an elastic body as a result of a deformation caused by an external force is propagated among mass points by a nonlinear CNN. The novelty of the methodology is that: 1) CNN techniques are established to describe the potential energy distribution of the deformation for extrapolating internal forces and 2) nonlinear materials are modeled with nonlinear CNNs rather than geometric nonlinearity. Integration with a haptic device has been achieved for deformable object simulation with force feedback. The proposed methodology not only predicts the typical behaviors of living tissues, but it also accommodates isotropic, anisotropic, and inhomogeneous materials, as well as local and large-range deformation.
机译:本文通过绘制细胞神经网络(CNN)与弹性变形之间的类比,提出了一种模拟软物体变形的新方法。由于外力引起的变形而存储在弹性体中的势能通过非线性CNN在质量点之间传播。该方法的新颖性在于:1)建立了CNN技术来描述变形的势能分布以推断内力; 2)非线性材料是使用非线性CNN而非几何非线性建模的。已经实现了与触觉设备的集成,可通过力反馈模拟可变形对象。所提出的方法不仅可以预测活组织的典型行为,还可以适应各向同性,各向异性和不均匀的材料,以及局部和大范围的变形。



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