首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing >Noniterative quality phase-gradient autofocus (QPGA) algorithm for spotlight SAR imagery

Noniterative quality phase-gradient autofocus (QPGA) algorithm for spotlight SAR imagery


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The phase-gradient autofocus (PGA) technique is robust over a wide range of imagery and phase error functions, but the convergence usually requires four-six iterations. It is necessarily iterative in an attempt to converge on a dominant target against clutter interference, while sufficiently capturing the blur function. The authors propose to speed the estimation convergence by selectively increasing the pool of quality synchronization sources and not be limited by the range pixels of the SAR map. This is highly probable since each range bin contains more than one prominent scatterer across the integration aperture. It is also highly probable that the least-brightest selected scatterer in a range gate may turn out to be of higher energy as compared to the maximum brightest scatterer of another gate. With appropriate target filtering to final select the quality scatterers out of the large pool and with higher order phase error measurement tool, the new algorithm achieves near-convergence focusing quality without iteration. The authors named this solution the quality PGA (QPGA) algorithm.



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