首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems >Stability testing of 2-D recursive digital filters based on a circuit-theoretic approach

Stability testing of 2-D recursive digital filters based on a circuit-theoretic approach


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A procedure for checking the stability of 2-D digital filters is proposed. The key part of the test involves construction of related all-pass sections of reduced order, the stability of which is shown to be equivalent to the stability of the original function. This is a direct extension of a similar approach, developed recently (1987) by P.P. Vaidyanathan and S.K. Mitra, in detail for the 1-D case. The results are shown to be equivalent to some known stability testing methods in 2-D, but have the advantage of an additional insight gained from the circuit interpretation. Explicit formulas for checking the stability in terms of the filter coefficients are derived for some special cases, and numerical examples are included to clarify the application of the proposed approach.
机译:提出了一种检查二维数字滤波器稳定性的方法。该测试的关键部分涉及构建降序的相关全通部分,其稳定性被证明等同于原始功能的稳定性。这是P.P.(1987)开发的类似方法的直接扩展。 Vaidyanathan和S.K. Mitra,详细介绍一维情况。结果表明,该结果与某些已知的2D稳定性测试方法等效,但是具有从电路解释中获得的额外洞察力的优势。在某些特殊情况下,得出了根据滤波器系数检查稳定性的显式公式,并包括了数值示例,以阐明所提出方法的应用。



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