首页> 外文期刊>IEEE signal processing letters >Cross-Complementary Local Binary Pattern for Robust Texture Classification

Cross-Complementary Local Binary Pattern for Robust Texture Classification


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The performance of local binary pattern (LBP) and many LBP-based variants is usually limited by rotation, illumination, scale, viewpoint, and the number of training samples. In view of this, this letter presents a robust image descriptor named crosscomplementary LBP (CCLBP) for texture classification. Based on the continuous rotation invariance and highly discriminative characteristic of principal curvatures, significant local geometrical information, which is complementary to LBP is obtained. Then, the resulting information is quantized and encoded into a binary pattern. To enhance the robustness to scale, viewpoint, and the number of training samples, a multiscale and multiresolution analysis is explored by diversifying two parameters accordantly. Subsequently, a cross-scale joint feature representation is conducted on the generated complementary binary responses, resulting in the proposed CCLBP, which captures a highly discriminative information but with low dimensionality. Experimental results on three standard texture databases demonstrate that the proposed CCLBP achieves competitive performance or outperforms state-of-the-art texture descriptors while enjoying a succinct feature representation. Impressively, under the premise of maintaining complete rotation invariance, the performance of the CCLBP approach against illumination, viewpoint, and scale changes has been improved, especially when the number of training samples is limited.



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