首页> 外文期刊>IEEE signal processing letters >Reverberant Audio Source Separation via Sparse and Low-Rank Modeling

Reverberant Audio Source Separation via Sparse and Low-Rank Modeling


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The performance of audio source separation from underdetermined convolutive mixture assuming known mixing filters can be significantly improved by using an analysis sparse prior optimized by a reweighting ${ell_1}$ scheme and a wideband data-fidelity term, as demonstrated by a recent article. In this letter, we show that the performance can be improved even more significantly by exploiting a low-rank prior on the source spectrograms. We present a new algorithm to estimate the sources based on i) an analysis sparse prior, ii) a reweighting scheme so as to increase the sparsity, iii) a wideband data-fidelity term in a constrained form, and iv) a low-rank constraint on the source spectrograms. Evaluation on reverberant music mixtures shows that the resulting algorithm improves state-of-the-art methods by more than 2 dB of signal-to-distortion ratio.
机译:如最近的文章所证明的,通过使用经过重新加权$ {ell_1} $方案和宽带数据保真度术语优化的稀疏分析,可以显着改善假设混频滤波器后,从不确定卷积混合物中分离音频源的性能。在这封信中,我们表明,通过对源谱图使用低阶先验,可以进一步显着提高性能。我们提出了一种新的算法来估计源,该算法基于以下条件:i)分析稀疏先验; ii)重加权方案,以增加稀疏性; iii)约束形式的宽带数据保真度术语; iv)低等级源谱图的约束。对混响音乐混合的评估表明,所产生的算法将信号失真比提高了2 dB以上,从而改进了最新技术。



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