首页> 外文期刊>IEEE microwave magazine >Perfect Isolation: Dealing with Self-Jamming in Passive RFID Systems

Perfect Isolation: Dealing with Self-Jamming in Passive RFID Systems


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Passive RF identification (RFID) readers transmit a continuous wave (CW) powering signal to remotely power up batteryless transponders, while simultaneously receiving a backscattered signal at the same frequency [1]. To separate the transmitter and receiver paths, readers use either a bistatic or monostatic antenna configuration. The first configuration employs two separate antennas, one to transmit and one to receive; in the second, the transmitter and receiver share a common antenna by means of a coupler or circulator. Both cases, however, suffer from poor transmitter-to-receiver isolation: strong CW signals can leak into the receiver, degrading its sensitivity to the weak transponder backscattered signals. Receiver sensitivity degradation occurs due to the leaked local oscillator (LO) phase noise [1] and also to the saturation of the front end caused by strong CW leakage. This requires high-dynamic-range capability in the RF stage [the low-noise amplifier (LNA) and mixer] as well as in the baseband stage [the amplifiers and analog-to-digital converters (ADCs)].



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