首页> 外文期刊>IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics >Room temperature single-photon Source:Single-dye molecule fluorescence in Liquid Crystal host

Room temperature single-photon Source:Single-dye molecule fluorescence in Liquid Crystal host


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We report on new approaches toward an implementation of an efficient, room temperature, deterministically polarized, single-photon source (SPS) on demand-a key hardware element for quantum information and quantum communication. Operation of a room temperature SPS is demonstrated via photon antibunching in the fluorescence from single terrylene-dye molecules embedded in a cholesteric liquid crystal host. Using oxygen-depleted liquid crystal hosts, dye-bleaching was avoided over the course of more than 1 h of continuous 532-nm excitation. Liquid crystal hosts (including liquid crystal oligomers/polymers) permit further increase of the efficiency of the source: 1) by aligning the dye molecules along a direction preferable for maximum excitation efficiency; 2) by tuning a one-dimensional (1-D) photonic-band-gap microcavity of planar-aligned cholesteric (chiral nematic) liquid crystal layer to the dye fluorescence band.
机译:我们报告了按需实现高效,室温,确定性偏振,单光子源(SPS)的新方法,这是量子信息和量子通信的关键硬件元素。室温SPS的操作是通过嵌入胆甾醇型液晶主体的单个ter烯染料分子的荧光中的光子反聚束来证明的。使用贫氧的液晶主体,可以在连续532 nm激发持续1小时以上的过程中避免染料漂白。液晶主体(包括液晶低聚物/聚合物)可以进一步提高光源的效率:1)通过将染料分子沿优选激发最大激发效率的方向排列; 2)通过将平面排列的胆甾型(手性向列型)液晶层的一维(1-D)光子带隙微腔调谐至染料荧光带。



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