首页> 外文期刊>IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics >Yb:YAG absorption at ambient and cryogenic temperatures

Yb:YAG absorption at ambient and cryogenic temperatures


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We have performed absorption measurements and generated absorption cross sections as a function of wavelength for the laser material YAG doped with ytterbium at 300, 175, and 75 K. This data was generated to enable a direct comparison of the absorption intensity and linewidths at room and cryogenic temperatures, and in particular near the temperature of liquid nitrogen at 77 K. The data have been used to compute universal absorption contour plots that display absorption as a function of the incident light center wavelength and optical thickness (doping density times penetration depth) for a number of bandwidths, and assuming that the spectrum of the incident light can be described as a Gaussian. Curves are presented for both 300 and 75 K, and may be used to optimize the absorption and laser efficiency.
机译:对于掺杂300,175和75 K的y的激光材料YAG,我们已经进行了吸收测量并生成了吸收截面随波长的函数。生成此数据是为了能够直接比较室温和室温下的吸收强度和线宽。低温,尤其是在液氮温度接近77 K时。该数据已用于计算通用吸收等高线图,该图显示了吸收率随入射光中心波长和光学厚度(掺杂密度乘以穿透深度)的变化带宽,并假设入射光的光谱可以描述为高斯。给出了300 K和75 K的曲线,可用于优化吸收和激光效率。



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