首页> 外文期刊>Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of >Characteristics of Fast Physical Random Bit Generation Using Chaotic Semiconductor Lasers

Characteristics of Fast Physical Random Bit Generation Using Chaotic Semiconductor Lasers


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We investigate the characteristics of fast random bit generation using chaotic semiconductor lasers. The optical amplitudes of two lasers with chaotic oscillations induced by optical feedback are each sampled at a fixed rate to extract binary bit sequences which are then combined by an exclusive-OR operation to obtain a single random bit sequence. Bit sequences generated at rate of 1 Giga bit per second are verified to pass statistical tests of randomness. We describe the dependence of randomness on laser parameters, in particular the injection current, the external cavity length and the feedback strength. The results provide clear empirical guidelines for tuning the chaotic laser parameters to achieve random bit sequences. This study shows that chaotic laser devices can be fast and reliable sources of physical entropy for computing and communication applications.
机译:我们研究使用混沌半导体激光器的快速随机位生成的特性。对两个由光反馈引起的混沌振荡的激光器的光振幅分别进行固定采样,以提取二进制位序列,然后通过异或运算将其组合以获得单个随机位序列。验证以每秒1 Giga位的速率生成的位序列可以通过随机性的统计测试。我们描述了随机性对激光参数的依赖性,特别是注入电流,外腔长度和反馈强度。结果为调整混沌激光参数以实现随机位序列提供了明确的经验准则。这项研究表明,混沌激光设备可以成为计算和通信应用中物理熵的快速而可靠的来源。



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