首页> 外文期刊>Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of >All-Optical Modulation Format Conversion Using Nonlinear Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers

All-Optical Modulation Format Conversion Using Nonlinear Dynamics of Semiconductor Lasers


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Under proper injection of an incoming optical signal to be format-converted, a semiconductor laser can be driven at period-one dynamics due to the dynamical competition between the injection-imposed laser oscillation and the injection-shifted cavity resonance. Equally separated spectral components therefore emerge, the intensity and frequency of which strongly depend on the intensity and frequency of the incoming optical signal. Optical modulation format conversion between amplitude-shift keying (ASK) and frequency-shift keying (FSK) can thus be achieved by applying such a mechanism. The conversion depends solely on the property of the incoming optical signal for a given laser and therefore only a typical semiconductor laser is necessary as the key conversion unit. Due to the unique underlying mechanism, both ASK-to-FSK and FSK-to-ASK conversions can be achieved using the same system. The bit-error ratio at 10 Gb/s is observed down to $10^{-12}$ with a slight power penalty for both conversions. Simultaneous frequency conversion of the incoming optical carrier is also possible. By adopting different spectral components or different injection conditions, different output modulation indices can be obtained.
机译:在将要进行格式转换的入射光信号的适当注入下,由于注入所施加的激光振荡和注入移位的腔谐振之间的动态竞争,可以以周期一的动态驱动半导体激光器。因此出现了均等的光谱分量,其强度和频率在很大程度上取决于入射光信号的强度和频率。因此,通过应用这种机制,可以实现幅度键控(ASK)和频率键控(FSK)之间的光调制格式转换。转换仅取决于给定激光器的入射光信号的属性,因此,仅需要典型的半导体激光器作为密钥转换单元。由于独特的基础机制,可以使用同一系统实现ASK到FSK和FSK到ASK的转换。观察到10 Gb / s的误码率低至$ 10 ^ {-12} $,并且两次转换的功耗都略有下降。输入光载波的同时频率转换也是可能的。通过采用不同的频谱分量或不同的注入条件,可以获得不同的输出调制指数。



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