首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics >Wideband Chaos With Time-Delay Concealment in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers With Optical Feedback and Injection

Wideband Chaos With Time-Delay Concealment in Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers With Optical Feedback and Injection


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Both the time-delay signature and the bandwidth of chaos have been investigated in four schemes of chaos generation in vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs). The results show that suppression of the TD signature and the enhanced bandwidth of chaos can be obtained simultaneously in two schemes—a chaotic beam unidirectionally injected into a CW VCSEL and a CW VCSEL mutually coupled to a chaotic VCSEL. However, suppression of the TD signature and the enhanced chaos bandwidth cannot be achieved simultaneously in two other schemes—a CW optical beam unidirectionally injected into a chaotic VCSEL and two mutually coupled CW VCSELs.
机译:在垂直腔表面发射激光器(VCSEL)中,已经通过四种产生混沌的方案研究了时间延​​迟签名和混沌带宽。结果表明,可以通过两种方案同时获得TD签名的抑制和增强的混沌带宽:将单向注入CW VCSEL的混沌光束和相互耦合到混沌VCSEL的CW VCSEL。但是,在其他两种方案(单向注入到混沌VCSEL中的CW光束和两个相互耦合的CW VCSEL)中,无法同时实现TD信号的抑制和增强的混沌带宽。



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