首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics >Complete characterization of ultrashort pulse sources at 1550 nm

Complete characterization of ultrashort pulse sources at 1550 nm

机译:完整表征1550 nm的超短脉冲源

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This paper reviews the use of frequency-resolved optical gatingn(FROG) to characterize mode-locked lasers producing ultrashort pulsesnsuitable for high-capacity optical communications systems at wavelengthsnaround 1550 nm, Second harmonic generation (SHG) FROG is used toncharacterize pulses from a passively mode-locked erbium-doped fibernlaser, and both single-mode and dual-mode gain-switched semiconductornlasers. The compression of gain-switched pulses in dispersionncompensating fiber is also studied using SHG-FROG, allowing optimalncompression conditions to be determined without a priori assumptionsnabout pulse characteristics. We also describe a fiber-based FROGngeometry exploiting cross-phase modulation and show that it is ideallynsuited to pulse characterization at optical communications wavelengths.nThis technique has been used to characterize picosecond pulses withnenergy as low as 24 pJ, giving results in excellent agreement withnSHG-FROG characterization, and without any temporal ambiguity in thenretrieved pulse
机译:本文回顾了使用频率分辨光学门控(FROG)表征锁模激光器产生的超短脉冲,适用于1550 nm左右波长的大容量光通信系统,二次谐波(SHG)FROG用于无源模式的吨特征脉冲锁相掺fiber光纤激光器,以及单模和双模增益开关半导体激光器。还使用SHG-FROG研究了色散补偿光纤中增益切换脉冲的压缩,从而无需事先假设脉冲特性即可确定最佳压缩条件。我们还描述了一种利用交叉相位调制的基于光纤的FROGngeometry,表明它非常适合于在光通信波长下进行脉冲表征。 FROG表征,并且在检索脉冲中没有任何时间模糊性



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