首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics >Frequency-tunable optically pumped carbon monoxide laser

Frequency-tunable optically pumped carbon monoxide laser


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Single-line frequency-tunable lasing was observed in an opticallynpumped, repetitively pulsed, room-temperature CO laser for the firstntime. The R(0) and R(7) ro-vibrational transitions in the (2,0) overtonenof CO at 2.3 Μm were optically pumped with a high-energy opticalnparametric oscillator. Single-line lasing was observed on (2,1)nP(2)-P(17) transitions and R(0)-R(11) transitions (covering wavelengthsnwithin the range 4.6-4.9 Μm) when using a diffraction grating as thenspectrally selective reflector of the laser resonator. The observed COnlaser pulse lengths were ~10-7 s with peak power up ton104 W. The influence of CO pressure, the addition of bufferngas (He, Ar), Q-factor of the laser resonator, and the pump pulse energynon CO laser pulse temporal characteristics and output energy spectralndistribution was studied experimentally
机译:首次在光泵浦,重复脉冲的室温CO激光器中观察到单线频率可调激光。用高能光学参量振荡器对泵浦的(2,0)过氧化碳中的R(0)和R(7)在2.3微米处的振动振动进行了光学泵浦。当使用衍射光栅光谱时,在(2,1)nP(2)-P(17)跃迁和R(0)-R(11)跃迁(覆盖波长n在4.6-4.9微米范围内)上观察到单线激光激光谐振器的选择性反射器。观察到的COnlaser脉冲长度约为10-7 s,峰值功率为ton104W。CO压力,缓冲气体(He,Ar)的添加,激光谐振器的Q因子以及泵浦脉冲能量的影响。实验研究了时间特性和输出能谱分布



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