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Metric-Learning-Based Deep Hashing Network for Content-Based Retrieval of Remote Sensing Images


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Hashing methods have recently been shown to be very effective in the retrieval of remote sensing (RS) images due to their computational efficiency and fast search speed. Common hashing methods in RS are based on hand-crafted features on top of which they learn a hash function, which provides the final binary codes. However, these features are not optimized for the final task (i.e., retrieval using binary codes). On the other hand, modern deep neural networks (DNNs) have shown an impressive success in learning optimized features for a specific task in an end-to-end fashion. Unfortunately, typical RS data sets are composed of only a small number of labeled samples, which make the training (or fine-tuning) of big DNNs problematic and prone to overfitting. To address this problem, in this letter, we introduce a metric-learning-based hashing network, which: 1) implicitly uses a big, pretrained DNN as an intermediate representation step without the need of retraining or fine-tuning; 2) learns a semantic-based metric space where the features are optimized for the target retrieval task; and 3) computes compact binary hash codes for fast search. Experiments carried out on two RS benchmarks highlight that the proposed network significantly improves the retrieval performance under the same retrieval time when compared to the state-of-the-art hashing methods in RS.
机译:由于其计算效率和快速搜索速度,最近已被证明散列方法在检索遥感(RS)图像中非常有效。 RS中的常见散列方法基于手工制作的功能,在其上,它们学习了散列函数,它提供了最终的二进制代码。但是,这些特征未针对最终任务进行优化(即,使用二进制代码检索)。另一方面,现代深度神经网络(DNN)在学习优化功能中以端到端的方式学习了令人印象深刻的成功。不幸的是,典型的RS数据集仅由少量<斜体XMLNS:MML =“http://www.w3.org/1998/math/mathml”xmlns:xlink =“http://www.w3组成。 ORG / 1999 / XLINK“>标记为样本,使大DNN的培训(或微调)有问题和容易过度装备。为了解决这个问题,在这封信中,我们介绍了一种基于度量学习的散列网络,即:1)隐式使用一个大型预训练的DNN作为中间表示步骤,而无需再培训或微调; 2)了解基于语义的公制空间,其中特征针对目标检索任务进行了优化; 3)计算紧凑的二进制哈希代码以进行快速搜索。在两个RS基准测试中执行的实验强调,与RS中的最先进的散列方法相比,所提出的网络在相同的检索时间下显着提高了检索性能。



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