首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters >Land Cover Classification From VHR Optical Remote Sensing Images by Feature Ensemble Deep Learning Network

Land Cover Classification From VHR Optical Remote Sensing Images by Feature Ensemble Deep Learning Network


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Land cover classification is a popular research field in remote sensing applications, which have to both consider the pixel-level classification and boundary mapping comprehensively. Although multi-scale features in deep learning (DL) network have a powerful classification ability, how to use multi-scale feature description to produce an accurate land cover classification from very high resolution (VHR) optical remote sensing image is still a challenging task because of large intraclass or small interclass difference of land covers. Therefore, aiming at achieving more accurate pixel-level land cover classification, we proposed a novel feature ensemble network (FE-Net), which includes the multi-scale feature encapsulation and enhancement two phases. First, there are encapsulated shallow, middle, and deep scale feature layers from Resnet-101 backbone. Second, related to multi-scale feature description enhancement, these 2-D dilation convolutions with different sample rates are employed on each scale feature layer. After that, optimal channel selection works on each intrascale and interscale feature layers sequentially. Finally, extensive experiments proved that the proposed FE-Net combined with a special joint loss function outperforms state-of-the-art DL based methods. It can achieve the 68.08% and 65.16% of the mean of class-wise intersection over union (mIoU) on ISPRS and GID data sets, respectively.
机译:Land Cover Classification是遥感应用中的流行研究领域,其都必须全面考虑像素级分类和边界映射。虽然深度学习(DL)网络中的多尺度特征具有强大的分类能力,但如何使用多尺度特征描述来生产从非常高分辨率(VHR)光学遥感图像的准确的土地覆盖分类仍然是一个具有挑战性的任务,因为大型内部覆盖的小型内覆盖。因此,旨在实现更准确的像素级地覆盖分类,我们提出了一种新颖的特征集合网络(FE-Net),包括多尺度特征封装和增强两个阶段。首先,封装来自Reset-101主干的封装浅,中间和深刻的特征层。其次,与多尺度特征描述有关的增强,在每个比例特征层上采用具有不同采样率的这两个2-D扩张卷积。之后,最佳频道选择在每个IntrAscale和Interscale特征层上顺序地工作。最后,广泛的实验证明,建议的FE-Net与特殊的联合损失功能相结合,优于基于最先进的DL的方法。它可以分别达到68.08%和65.16%的ISPRS和GID数据集上的Class-Wise交叉口的平均值。



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