首页> 外文期刊>IEEE Computer Applications in Power >Learning how to use the Internet and Web resources

Learning how to use the Internet and Web resources


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It seems that whenever you pick up a newspaper or turn on the evening news there is something new about the Internet and the World-Wide Web (WWW or Web). When you attend a technical conference, speakers encourage you to look at their home pages for more information. Sales representatives provide you with a URL for more detailed technical specifications on their products. For some, the idea of surfing the net, FTPing files, and chatting on a newsgroup is second nature. To others it's a foreign language. However, this is a foreign language in which all power engineers should be proficient, because it is the language of the future. The author reviews some history, defines some terms, and discusses how to use the Internet. The author then describes the World Wide Web, hypermedia documentation, and Web resources for the power engineer. All of the information for this article was obtained using the Internet and the Web. How this information was obtained is illustrated to serve as an example for the reader.



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