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Ecological and economic effects of the landing obligation evaluated using a quantitative ecosystem approach: a Mediterranean case study


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The reformed Common Fisheries Policy [Regulation (EU) 1380/2013] introduces the obligation to land unwanted catches gradually from 2015 to 2019 with the aim to reduce discards. The ecological and economic consequences of this controversial regulation are evaluated here using an ecosystem model for the North-Eastern Adriatic Sea to quantify the long-term stocks' biomass, landings, and fisheries revenues under future scenarios with and without landing obligation. Results indicate that landings will increase by +13%, causing an increase in fishermen workload, reduction of biomasses at sea (similar to-0.20%) for species of both commercial and non-commercial interest, thus a small decrease in fisheries revenue (similar to-0.50%). Selling landed unwanted catches for fishmeal production will not compensate the economic losses. Additional adaptation scenarios were tested: (i) introduction of quotas for small pelagics, (ii) reduction of effort for bottom trawlers, (iii) improvement of gear selectivity, and (iv) a combination of (i) and (iii). Improving selectivity and introducing quotas resulted the best alternative but none of the adaptation scenarios compensated the adverse effects of the landing obligation, suggesting that this management measure has ecological and economic negative effects in systems where fisheries are not regulated by quota such as the Mediterranean Sea.
机译:经过改革的《通用渔业政策》(第1380/2013号条例)规定了从2015年到2019年逐步将不需要的渔获物登陆的义务,目的是减少丢弃物。本文使用东北亚得里亚海的生态系统模型评估了这一有争议法规的生态和经济后果,以量化在有和无登陆义务的未来情况下长期种群的生物量,着陆量和渔业收入。结果表明,上岸量将增加+ 13%,从而导致渔民工作量增加,同时具有商业和非商业利益的物种的海上生物量减少(约0.20%),因此,渔业收入略有下降(类似至-0.50%)。出售掉落的多余渔获物用于鱼粉生产将无法弥补经济损失。测试了其他适应方案:(i)引入小型远洋渔业的配额,(ii)减少拖网渔船的工作量,(iii)改进渔具的选择性,以及(iv)(i)和(iii)的组合。选择性的提高和配额的确定是最好的选择,但没有一种适应方案能弥补登陆义务的不利影响,这表明该管理措施在诸如地中海等不受配额限制的渔业中对生态和经济产生负面影响。



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