首页> 外文期刊>ICES Journal of Marine Science >Development of a method to reduce the spread of the ascidian Didemnum vexillum with aquaculture transfers

Development of a method to reduce the spread of the ascidian Didemnum vexillum with aquaculture transfers

机译:开发一种通过水产养殖转移减少海马Dedemnum vexillum扩散的方法

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The colonial ascidian Didemnum vexillum was discovered in Shakespeare Bay (New Zealand) in 2001 and now poses a serious threat to the aquaculture industry. I assess several techniques to eliminate Didemnum from Greenshell~(TM) seed-mussels (Perna canaliculus) in order to reduce the spread of the pest species with aquaculture transfers. Simple approaches based on fresh-water immersion proved ineffective or impractical in controlling Didemnum, so different chemical treatments were evaluated. Initial trials were conducted using acetic acid at concentrations ranging from 0.1 to 10% for a range of exposure times. However, at concentrations or exposure times tolerated by seed-mussels, Didemnum colonies survived with, on average, ~80% mortality. These results led to the testing of other chemicals, and sodium hypochlorite (bleach) was identified as a potential candidate. It was determined that dipping Didemnum in a 0.5% solution of bleach for 2 min was a 100% effective method of treatment that also left seed-mussels relatively unaffected.
机译:2001年在莎士比亚湾(新西兰)发现了殖民地的海生动物Didemnum vexillum,现在对水产养殖业构成了严重威胁。我评估了几种从Greenshell〜(TM)种子贻贝(Perna canaliculus)中消除敌百虫的技术,以便通过水产养殖转移减少有害生物的传播。事实证明,基于淡水浸泡的简单方法对控制Didemnum无效或不切实际,因此评估了不同的化学处理方法。在一定的暴露时间范围内,使用浓度为0.1%至10%的乙酸进行了初步试验。然而,在淡菜贻贝容许的浓度或暴露时间下,Didemnum菌落能够存活,平均死亡率约为80%。这些结果导致对其他化学品的测试,次氯酸钠(漂白剂)被确定为潜在的候选物质。已确定将迪德姆纳姆浸入0.5%的漂白剂溶液中2分钟是100%有效的处理方法,也使贻贝相对不受影响。



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