首页> 外文期刊>Nordic hydrology >Effects of model segmentation approach on the performance and parameters of the Hydrological Simulation Program - Fortran (HSPF) models

Effects of model segmentation approach on the performance and parameters of the Hydrological Simulation Program - Fortran (HSPF) models


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Although models are one of the most powerful tools for watershed management, their effectiveness is limited by prediction uncertainties resulting from not only model input data but also spatial discretization. In this paper, Hydrological Simulation Program - Fortran (HSPF) models were constructed for the Linyi watershed according to three segmentation approaches including model segments based on differences in: (1) sub-watershed, (2) meteorological station, and (3) physical characteristics. Then the static sensitivity method and dynamic sensitivity method were employed to evaluate the effect of the segmentation approach on model performance and parameters of HSPF. The main conclusions were: (1) modeling with 12 segments had the best simulation efficiency and the corresponding estimated parameters had a certain representation within the Linyi watershed; (2) HSPF model performance was significantly affected by the segmentation approach, especially by the model segmentation construction process which considering a meteorological station or not; (3) parameters INTFW (interflow inflow parameter), lower zone nominal storage, and upper zone nominal storage (UZSN) were most affected by the model segmentation approach, while parameter AGWRC (groundwater recession coefficient) changed indistinctly; (4) parameters UZSN and INTFW had the same variation tendency whenever the segmentation approach changed.
机译:尽管模型是分水岭管理最强大的工具之一,但模型的有效性受到预测不确定性的限制,这些不确定性不仅来自模型输入数据,而且还取决于空间离散。本文根据以下三种分割方法,为临沂流域构建了水文模拟程序-Fortran(HSPF)模型,包括基于以下因素的模型分段:(1)小流域,(2)气象站和(3)物理特征。然后采用静态灵敏度方法和动态灵敏度方法来评估分割方法对HSPF模型性能和参数的影响。主要结论是:(1)在临沂流域内以12段为代表的建模模拟效率最高,相应的估计参数具有一定的代表性; (2)HSPF模型的性能受分割方法的影响很大,特别是受不考虑气象站的模型分割过程的影响; (3)模型分割方法对参数INTFW(内流入流参数),下部区域标称存储量和上部区域标称存储量(UZSN)影响最大,而参数AGWRC(地下水退缩系数)变化不明显。 (4)每当分割方法改变时,参数UZSN和INTFW具有相同的变化趋势。



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