首页> 外文期刊>Nordic hydrology >'Here we have a system in which liquid water is moving; let's just get at the physics of if (Penman 1965)

'Here we have a system in which liquid water is moving; let's just get at the physics of if (Penman 1965)

机译:“这里有一个液态水在流动的系统。让我们来看看if的物理学(Penman 1965)

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This paper is based on the 2012 Penman Lecture delivered at the 11th National Symposium of the British Hydrological Society. The title is taken from a 1965 interview by Howard Penman when hydrological modelling was just really starting. In the period since then, the idea that we might easily move towards 'physically based' representations of hydrological processes has proven problematic. It is argued that this might best be done within a hypotheses testing framework, where the hypotheses are the model representations of processes over some discrete elements of a catchment, integrating the small-scale variability within those elements. This might still require some distribution function to reflect that variability, since the extremes of the variability might be important in controlling the response. Hypotheses will need to be formulated that reflect the interaction of the water flow pathways and the biota. Testing of those hypotheses will require a proper account of the uncertainties inherent in the study of hydrological systems, including a recognition that many sources of uncertainty are epistemic in nature rather than simple random variability. Such uncertainties will only be significantly reduced by the development of new measurement techniques that provide useful information at the element scales of interest.
机译:本文基于2012年在英国水文学会第11届全国研讨会上发表的Penman演讲。标题取自1965年霍华德·彭曼(Howard Penman)的一次采访,当时水文建模才刚刚开始。从那时起,事实证明我们可能很容易转向水文过程的“基于物理”表示。有人认为,最好在假设检验框架内完成这一假设,假设是框架内流域某些离散要素的过程的模型表示,将这些要素中的小规模可变性整合在一起。这可能仍需要一些分布函数来反映该可变性,因为可变性的极端值在控制响应中可能很重要。需要制定能反映水流路径与生物群相互作用的假设。对这些假设的检验将需要适当考虑水文系统研究中固有的不确定性,包括认识到不确定性的许多来源本质上是认知的,而不是简单的随机变异性。只有开发新的测量技术,才能在所关注的元素尺度上提供有用的信息,才能大大降低此类不确定性。



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