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Searching for similarity in topographic controls on carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus export from forested headwater catchments


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Topography influences hydrological processes that in turn affect biogeochemical export to surface water on forested landscapes. The differences in long-term average annual dissolved organic carbon (DOC), organic and inorganic nitrogen [NO-N, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON)], and phosphorus (total dissolved phosphorus, TDP) export from catchments in the Algoma Highlands of Ontario, Canada, with similar climate, geology, forest and soil were established. Topographic indicators were designed to represent topographically regulated hydrological processes that influence nutrient export, including (1) hydrological storage potential (i.e. effects of topographic flats/depressions on water storage) and (2) hydrological flushing potential (i.e. effects of topographic slopes on potential for variable source area to expand and tap into previously untapped areas). Variations in NO-N export among catchments could be explained by indicators representing both hydrological flushing potential (91%,  < 0.001) and hydrological storage potential (65%,  < 0.001), suggesting the importance of hydrological flushing in regulating NO-N export as well as surface saturated areas in intercepting NO-N-loaded runoff. In contrast, hydrological storage potential explained the majority of variations among catchments in DON (69%,  < 0.001), DOC (94%,  < 0.001) and TDP (82%,  < 0.001) export. The lower explanatory power of DON (about 15% less) compared with that of DOC and TDP suggests another mechanism influencing N export, such as controls related to alternative fates of nitrogen (e.g. as gas). This study shows that simple topographic indicators can be used to track nutrient sources, sinks and their transport and export to surface water from catchments on forest landscapes. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:地形影响水文过程,进而影响生物地球化学产品向森林景观中地表水的出口。安大略省Algoma高地流域的长期平均年平均溶解有机碳(DOC),有机和无机氮[NO-N,溶解有机氮(DON)]和磷(总溶解磷,TDP)的出口差异加拿大,气候,地质,森林和土壤相似。地形指示符旨在代表影响营养物输出的受地形调节的水文过程,包括(1)水文存储潜力(即地形平坦区/洼地对蓄水的影响)和(2)水文冲洗潜力(即地形坡度对水文潜力的影响)。可变来源区域以展开并利用以前未开发的区域)。集水区NO-N出口的变化可以用代表水文学冲刷潜力(91%,<0.001)和水文储藏潜力(65%,<0.001)的指标来解释,这表明水文冲洗在调节NO-N出口中的重要性。以及拦截NO-N负荷径流的表面饱和区域。相比之下,水文储藏潜力解释了DON(69%,<0.001),DOC(94%,<0.001)和TDP(82%,<0.001)出口流域的大部分变化。与DOC和TDP相比,DON的较低解释力(约低15%)表明了另一种影响氮输出的机制,例如与氮的替代命运有关的控制(例如气体)。这项研究表明,简单的地形指标可用于跟踪养分的来源,汇和其运输以及从森林景观集水区向地表水的出口。版权所有©2013 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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