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Comprehensive passage (COMPASS) model: a model of downstream migration and survival of juvenile salmonids through a hydropower system


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Migratory fish populations are impacted worldwide by river impoundments. Efforts to restore populations will benefit from a clear understanding of survival and migration process over a wide-range of river conditions. We developed a model that estimates travel time and survival of migrating juvenile salmonids (Oncorhynchus spp.) through the impounded Snake and Columbia rivers in the northwestern United States. The model allows users to examine the effects of river management scenarios, such as manipulations of river flow and spill, on salmonid survival. It has four major components: dam passage and survival, reservoir survival, fish travel time, and hydrological processes. The probability that fish pass through specific routes at a dam and route-specific survival probabilities were based on hydroacoustic, radio telemetry, PIT tag, and acoustic tag data. We related reservoir mortality rate (per day and per km) to river flow, water temperature, and percentage of fish passing through spillways and then fit the relationships to PIT-tag survival data. We related fish migration rate to water velocity, percentage of fish passing through spillways, and date in the season. We applied the model to two threatened “Evolutionarily Significant Units” (as defined under the US Endangered Species Act): Snake River spring/summer Chinook salmon (O. tshawytscha Walbaum) and Snake River steelhead (O. mykiss Walbaum). A sensitivity analysis demonstrated that for both species survival through the hydropower system was responsive to water temperature, river flow, and spill proportion. The two species, however, exhibited different patterns in their response. Such information is crucial for managers to effectively restore migratory fish populations in regulated rivers.
机译:世界范围内的河水蓄水量影响着鱼类的迁徙。清楚地了解各种河流条件下的生存和迁移过程,将有助于恢复人口。我们开发了一个模型,该模型估算了穿越美国西北部被扣押的Snake和Columbia河流中的鲑鱼(Oncorhynchus spp。)的迁徙时间和生存时间。该模型允许用户检查河流管理方案(如操纵河流流量和溢流)对鲑鱼生存的影响。它具有四个主要部分:大坝的通过和生存,水库的生存,鱼类的行进时间和水文过程。鱼通过水坝的特定路线的概率和特定路线的生存概率基于水声,无线电遥测,PIT标签和声学标签数据。我们将水库死亡率(每天和每公里)与河流流量,水温和通过溢洪道的鱼类的百分比相关联,然后将其与PIT标签存活数据进行拟合。我们将鱼类迁移率与水流速度,通过溢洪道的鱼类百分比以及季节日期相关联。我们将该模型应用于两个受威胁的“进化上重要的单位”(根据美国濒危物种法的定义):Snake River春夏奇努克鲑鱼(O. tshawytscha Walbaum)和Snake River硬头鱼(O. mykiss Walbaum)。敏感性分析表明,对于这两种物种,通过水力发电系统的生存都对水温,河水流量和溢出比例有响应。然而,这两个物种在其响应中表现出不同的模式。这些信息对于管理者有效地恢复受管制河流中鱼类的fish游至关重要。



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