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Restoring ponds for amphibians: a success story


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Large-scale restoration of quality habitats is often considered essential for the recovery of threatened pond-breeding amphibians but only a few successful cases are documented, so far. We describe a landscape-scale restoration project targeted at two declining species—the crested newt (Triturus cristatus Laur.) and the common spadefoot toad (Pelobates fuscus Wagler)—in six protected areas in southern and southeastern Estonia. The ponds were restored or created in clusters to (i) increase the density and number of breeding sites at local and landscape levels; (ii) provide adjacent ponds with differing depths, hydroperiods and littoral zones and (iii) restore an array of wetlands connected to appropriate terrestrial habitat. In only 3 years, where 22 of the 405 existing ponds (5%) were restored and 208 new ponds (51%) created, the number of ponds occupied by the common spadefoot toad increased 6.5 times. Concerning the crested newt and the moor frog (Rana arvalis Nilsson), the increase was 2.3 and 2.5 times, respectively. The target species had breeding attempts in most of the colonised ponds—even more frequently than common species. Also, the amphibian species richness was higher in the restored than in the untreated ponds. The crested newt preferably colonised ponds that had some submerged vegetation and were surrounded by forest or a mosaic of forest and open habitats. The common spadefoot toad favoured ponds having clear and transparent water. Our study reveals that habitat restoration for threatened pond-breeding amphibians can rapidly increase their numbers if the restoration is implemented at the landscape scale, taking into account the habitat requirements of target species and the ecological connectivity of populations. When the remnant populations are strong enough, translocation of individuals may not be necessary. Keywords Estonia - Aquatic habitat management - Threatened species - Pelobates fuscus - Triturus cristatus Guest editors: B. Oertli, R. Cereghino, A. Hull & R. Miracle Pond Conservation: From Science to Practice. 3rd Conference of the European Pond Conservation Network, Valencia, Spain, 14–16 May 2008
机译:人们通常认为,大规模恢复优质栖息地对于恢复濒临绝种的池塘两栖动物至关重要。但迄今为止,只有少数成功案例得到了文献记载。我们描述了在爱沙尼亚南部和东南部的六个保护区中针对两个下降物种(凤头new(Triturus cristatus Laur。)和普通spa脚蟾蜍(Pelobates fuscus Wagler))的景观规模恢复项目。对池塘进行整修或成簇进行,以(i)在当地和景观水平上增加繁殖地点的密度和数量; (ii)为相邻的池塘提供不同的深度,水文周期和沿海地区,以及(iii)恢复与适当陆地生境相连的一系列湿地。在短短3年中,恢复了405个现有池塘中的22个(占5%),创建了208个新池塘(占51%),普通,足蟾蜍占据的池塘数量增加了6.5倍。关于凤头new和系泊蛙(蛙蛙Nilsson),分别增加了2.3倍和2.5倍。目标物种在大多数殖民化池塘中都有繁殖尝试,甚至比普通物种更频繁。而且,恢复后的两栖动物物种丰富度高于未处理的池塘。凤头new最好是定殖的池塘,池塘里有一些被淹没的植被,被森林或森林的马赛克和开阔的生境所包围。普通的赤脚蟾蜍偏爱水清澈透明的池塘。我们的研究表明,考虑到目标物种的栖息地需求和种群的生态连通性,如果在景观尺度上实施濒危池塘两栖动物的栖息地恢复,可以迅速增加其数量。当剩余人口足够强大时,可能无需迁移个人。关键词爱沙尼亚-水生生物栖息地管理-濒危物种-钩端螺旋体-Triturus cristatus客座编辑:B. Oertli,R。Cereghino,A。Hull和R. Miracle Pond保护:从科学到实践。欧洲池塘保护网络第三次会议,西班牙巴伦西亚,2008年5月14日至16日



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