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International Renewable Energy Agency Formed


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Delegations from more than 100 world governments met January 26 in Bonn, Germany, for the formal signing of a statute to create the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The international organization, initiated by Germany with the support of Spain and Denmark, is intended to close the gap between the world's large renewable energy potential and its current relatively low market share in energy consumption. "There is such great potential in solar, wind, and hydropower, geothermal energy, and biomass that they can cover the energy needs of a global population rising to over 9 billion people," German Environment Minister Sigmar Gabriel said, in welcoming the delegates. "Furthermore, their use can be decentralized, thus bringing energy and development opportunities to isolated regions." The main work of IRENA will be to advise its members on creating the right frameworks, building capacity, and improving financing and the transfer of technology for renewable energies.
机译:来自100多个世界各国政府的代表团于1月26日在德国波恩举行会议,正式签署了建立国际可再生​​能源机构(IRENA)的法规。该国际组织由德国发起,在西班牙和丹麦的支持下,旨在缩小全球巨大的可再生能源潜力与其目前在能源消费中相对较低的市场份额之间的差距。德国环境部长西格玛·加布里埃尔在欢迎与会代表时说:“太阳能,风能,水力发电,地热能和生物质能具有巨大的潜力,可以满足全球超过90亿人口的能源需求。” “此外,它们的使用可以分散,从而为偏远地区带来能源和发展机会。” IRENA的主要工作将是就建立可再生能源的正确框架,能力建设以及改善融资和技术转让方面向其成员提供建议。



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