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Learning from the Past Embracing the Future


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We are publishing this issue of HRW just in time for the Russia Power Conference & Exhibition. This annual PennWell event provides opportunity for discussion and strategic planning, as well as an exchange on the latest in power plant technology and operation.rnWhile this is the 8th year for Russia Power, I am pleased to report this is the 1st year for hydropower and dams and civil structures to be featured in the event.rnRussia Power includes a hydro track - nine sessions - in which hydro and dams experts from more than 15 countries all over the world will share cutting-edge technologies, best practices, and proven strategies for managing hydro assets. And, in the hydro pavilion on the exhibit floor, 20 companies from more than a dozen countries are featuring their products and services.
机译:我们即将在俄罗斯电力大会暨展览会上发布这一期的HRW。一年一度的PennWell活动提供了讨论和战略规划的机会,并提供了有关发电厂最新技术和运营的交流。rn虽然这是俄罗斯电力公司的第8年,但我很高兴地向您报告,这是水电和水电第一年。 rnRussia Power包括一条水电径道-9场会议-来自世界各地15个以上国家的水电和水坝专家将分享先进的技术,最佳实践和行之有效的战略管理水力资产。并且,在展馆的水力展馆中,来自十几个国家的20家公司展示了他们的产品和服务。



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