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Eco-engineers Strive to Save Endangered Marine Species


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What first inspired the idea for your artificial reef system? "As highly experienced divers, we had seen first-hand the damage being done to aquatic ecosystems around the world, from Europe to Australia and Fiji. Once these fragile systems are undermined, they can reach a 'tipping point' where recovery is almost impossible. And we are not talking about the distant future... if no action is taken, there is a real danger that stocks of many species that people rely on for food could collapse within the next 30 years. Important commercial species such as scallops, crabs, lobsters and shoal fish are in an especially precarious situation. Their decline would not only severely damage the biodiversity of our oceans, but would also have a massive impact on the fishing communities around the world that depend on these species for their survival. As part of our diving experience, we had both been involved in marine conservation projects which aimed to create new habitats by using 'recycled' structures. A classic example would be to sink a disused ship in order to form an artificial reef. We began discussing ideas for a custom-designed artificial reef system: one that could be deployed quickly and cost-effectively and could offer additional benefits beyond marine conservation. This led to the founding of ARC Marine Ltd and the creation of Reef Cubes."
机译:是什么首先激发了您对人工鱼礁系统的想法? “作为经验丰富的潜水员,我们亲眼目睹了对从欧洲到澳大利亚和斐济的水生生态系统造成的破坏。一旦这些脆弱的系统遭到破坏,它们就可以达到一个'临界点',几乎不可能恢复我们并不是在谈论遥远的未来……如果不采取任何行动,则存在着真正的危险,即人们赖以生存的许多物种的种群在未来30年内可能会崩溃。重要的商业物种,如扇贝,螃蟹,龙虾和浅滩鱼处于特别危险的境地,它们的下降不仅严重损害我们海洋的生物多样性,而且还将对全世界依靠这些物种生存的捕鱼社区造成巨大影响。作为潜水经验的一部分,我们都参与了海洋保护项目,这些项目旨在通过使用“回收”结构来创造新的栖息地,其中一个典型的例子是将一艘废弃的船沉入水中。形成人造礁石。我们开始讨论有关定制设计的人工鱼礁系统的想法:该系统可以快速,经济高效地部署,并且可以提供除海洋保护之外的其他好处。这导致了ARC Marine Ltd的成立和Reef Cubes的创立。​​”



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