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Kautilya's model of sustainable development


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Purpose – The purpose of this seminal paper is to present the concept of sustainability in its purest form as conceived by Kautilya and bring out its relevance to the current issues and the areas of concern in the global perspectives. Design/methodology/approach – This paper goes with the premise that the concept of sustainable development (SD) as enunciated by the western theorists has not been fitted in an integrated framework. An attempt is made in this study, to bring to light an unwritten model of SD of Kautilya, which is universal in approach and relevant to many of the current issues of today. Findings – The Kautilya's model of SD is an assimilation of idealistic and realistic views of human life. The quintessence of this model is that SD can be realized only if each one in a society lives for the other and all collectively for the welfare of the mankind. Research limitations/implications – The success of this model depends on the level of understanding, design of socio-economic and political institutions required, the goals and the means set for oneself and society and the degree of accountability exhibited in implementing the model. Practical implications – This model can be tailored to suit the requirements of modern society in the short run as well as in the long run. Originality/value – This paper is original in nature because a modern concept like SD is analytically linked to the development-design of Kautilya with a view to infusing profundity, realism and applicability to it.
机译:目的–本开创性论文的目的是介绍Kautilya构想的最纯粹形式的可持续性概念,并从全球角度揭示其与当前问题和关注领域的相关性。设计/方法/方法–本文以前提为前提,即西方理论家所阐述的可持续发展(SD)概念并未纳入一个综合框架。这项研究试图揭示Kautilya的SD的未成文模型,该模型在方法上是通用的,并且与当今的许多当前问题相关。调查结果– Kautilya的SD模型是对人类生活的理想主义和现实主义观点的同化。这种模式的精髓在于,只有一个社会中的每个人都为另一个人而生活,并为人类的福祉而集体生活,才能实现可持续发展。研究的局限性/含义–该模型的成功取决于理解水平,所需的社会经济和政治制度设计,为自己和社会设定的目标和手段以及在实施该模型时表现出的责任感。实际意义–可以定制此模型以适应短期和长期的现代社会需求。原创性/价值–本文是原始的,因为像SD这样的现代概念在分析上与Kautilya的开发设计联系在一起,目的是向其注入深刻性,现实性和适用性。



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