首页> 外文期刊>Human Molecular Genetics >Analysis of SNPs with an effect on gene expression identifies UBE2L3 and BCL3 as potential new risk genes for Crohn's disease

Analysis of SNPs with an effect on gene expression identifies UBE2L3 and BCL3 as potential new risk genes for Crohn's disease


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Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for Crohn's disease (CD) have identified loci explaining ∼20% of the total genetic risk of CD. Part of the other genetic risk loci is probably partly hidden among signals discarded by the multiple testing correction needed in the analysis of GWAS data. Strategies for finding these hidden loci require large replication cohorts and are costly to perform. We adopted a strategy of selecting SNPs for follow-up that showed a correlation to gene expression [cis-expression quantitative trait loci (eQTLs)] since these have been shown more likely to be trait-associated. First we show that there is an overrepresentation of cis-eQTLs in the known CD-associated loci. Then SNPs were selected for follow-up by screening the top 500 SNP hits from a CD GWAS data set. We identified 10 cis-eQTL SNPs. These 10 SNPs were tested for association with CD in two independent cohorts of Dutch CD patients (1539) and healthy controls (2648). In a combined analysis, we identified two cis-eQTL SNPs that were associated with CD rs2298428 in UBE2L3 (P = 5.22 × 10−5) and rs2927488 in BCL3 (P = 2.94 × 10−4). After adding additional publicly available data from a previously reported meta-analysis, the association with rs2298428 almost reached genome-wide significance (P = 2.40 × 10−7) and the association with rs2927488 was corroborated (P = 6.46 × 10−4). We have identified UBE2L3 and BCL3 as likely novel risk genes for CD. UBE2L3 is also associated with other immune-mediated diseases. These results show that eQTL-based pre-selection for follow-up is a useful approach for identifying risk loci from a moderately sized GWAS.
机译:克罗恩病(CD)的全基因组关联研究(GWAS)已鉴定出基因座,可解释约20%的CD遗传风险。其他遗传风险基因座的一部分可能部分隐藏在GWAS数据分析所需的多次测试校正所丢弃的信号中。查找这些隐藏基因座的策略需要大量复制,并且执行成本高。我们采用了一种选择SNP进行随访的策略,该策略显示了与基因表达的相关性[顺式表达定量性状基因座(eQTL)],因为它们已显示出与性状相关的可能性更高。首先,我们表明在已知的CD相关基因座中有cis-eQTL的过量表达。然后通过从CD GWAS数据集中筛选出前500个SNP命中来选择SNP进行随访。我们鉴定了10个顺式eQTL SNP。在荷兰CD患者(1539)和健康对照(2648)的两个独立队列中测试了这10个SNP与CD的关联。在组合分析中,我们确定了两个与UBE2L3中的CD rs2298428(P = 5.22×10 -5 )和rs2927488与BCL3中的rs2927488相关的cis-eQTL SNP(P = 2.94×10 - 4 )。从先前报道的荟萃分析中添加其他可公开获得的数据后,与rs2298428的关联几乎达到了全基因组意义(P = 2.40×10 −7 ),并且证实了与rs2927488的关联(P = 6.46×10 −4 )。我们已经将UBE2L3和BCL3鉴定为CD的新危险基因。 UBE2L3也与其他免疫介导的疾病有关。这些结果表明,基于eQTL的后续预选是从中等规模的GWAS识别风险基因座的有用方法。



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