首页> 外文期刊>Human-Machine Systems, IEEE Transactions on >Roadmap for the Development of at-Home Telemonitoring Systems to Augment Occupational Therapy

Roadmap for the Development of at-Home Telemonitoring Systems to Augment Occupational Therapy


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While the literature supports the potential to provide occupational therapy through telemedicine, there are several design challenges embedded in creating an at-home telemonitoring system that can visualize the complex biomechanical data required for clinical decision making. The challenge highlighted here is the development of measures that align with current decision making methods, which will support the integration and translation of the technology. A modified cognitive task analysis methodology is presented that is composed of three segments: characterizing the subject matter, defining relevant information, and formalizing requirements. This method was implemented through observations of eight therapists over 21 patient sessions. There were nine unique modes of interaction observed between the clinician and patient. Embedded within these interactions were 14 different features monitored. Relevant performance measures were defined from these interactions to provide perception and comprehension situation awareness (SA) to the clinician about the patients task performance. Using specific activities observed during therapy sessions, sample metrics and a visualization are presented that followed from the SA requirements. Finally, the technological challenges associated with making these measurements were identified.



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