首页> 外文期刊>Human Genetics >Accelerated decline in lung function in cigarette smokers is associated with TP53/MDM2 polymorphisms

Accelerated decline in lung function in cigarette smokers is associated with TP53/MDM2 polymorphisms

机译:吸烟者肺功能的加速下降与TP53 / MDM2多态性有关

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In vitro studies have shown that p53 mediates a protective response against DNA damage by causing either cell-cycle arrest and DNA repair, or apoptosis. These responses have not yet been demonstrated in humans. A common source of DNA damage in humans is cigarette smoke, which should activate p53 repair mechanisms. As the level of p53 is regulated by MDM2, which targets p53 for degradation, the G-allele of a polymorphism in intron 1 of MDM2 (rs2279744:G/T), that results in higher MDM2 levels, should be associated with a reduced p53 response and hence more DNA damage and corresponding tissue destruction. Similarly, the alleles of rs1042522 in TP53 that encode arginine (G-allele) or proline (C-allele) at codon 72, which cause increased pro-apoptotic (G-allele) or cell-cycle arrest activities (C-allele), respectively, may moderate p53’s ability to prevent DNA damage. To test these hypotheses, we examined lung function in relation to cumulative history of smoking in a population-based cohort. The G-alleles in MDM2 and TP53 were found to be associated with accelerated smoking-related decline in lung function. These data support the hypothesis that p53 protects from DNA damage in humans and provides a potential explanation for the variation in lung function impairment amongst smokers.
机译:体外研究表明,p53通过引起细胞周期停滞和DNA修复或凋亡而介导针对DN​​A损伤的保护性反应。这些反应尚未在人类中得到证实。人体中DNA损伤的常见来源是香烟烟雾,它应该激活p53修复机制。由于p53的水平受MDM2调控(靶向p53降解),因此MDM2内含子1(rs2279744:G / T)多态性的G等位基因会导致较高的MDM2水平,因此应将其与p53的减少相关联从而导致更多的DNA损伤和相应的组织破坏。同样,TP53中rs1042522的等位基因在72位密码子处编码精氨酸(G等位基因)或脯氨酸(C等位基因),从而导致促凋亡(G等位基因)或细胞周期阻滞活性(C等位基因)增加,分别可能减轻p53预防DNA损伤的能力。为了检验这些假设,我们研究了以人群为基础的队列中与吸烟累积史相关的肺功能。发现MDM2和TP53中的G等位基因与吸烟相关的肺功能下降有关。这些数据支持p53保护人类免受DNA损伤的假说,并为吸烟者的肺功能损害的变化提供了可能的解释。



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