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Desianinq an Interface to Optimize Reading with Small Display Windows


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The extent of electronic presentation of text in small display windows is mush- rooming. In the present paper, 4 ways of presenting text in a small display win- dow were examined and compared with a normal page condition: rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP), RSVP with a completion meter, sentence-by- sentence presentation, and sentence-by-sentence presentation with a completion meter. Dependent measures were reading efficiency (speed and comprehension) and preference. For designers of hardware or software with small display win- dows, the results suggest the following: (a) Though RSVP is disliked by readers, the present methods of allowing self pacing and regressions in RSVP are effi- cient and feasible, unlike earlier tested methods; (b) slower reading in RSVP should be achieved by increasing pauses between sentences or by repeating sen- tences, not by decreasing the presentation rate within a sentence; (c) completion meters do not interfere with performance and are usually preferred; (d) the space-saving sentence-by-sentence format is as efficient and as preferred as the normal page format.
机译:在较小的显示窗口中以电子方式显示文本的程度越来越高。在本文中,研究了在小型显示窗口中显示文本的4种方法,并将其与正常页面条件进行了比较:快速串行视觉呈现(RSVP),带有完成表的RSVP,逐句呈现和句子完备计量表的逐句演示。相关的衡量标准是阅读效率(速度和理解力)和偏好。对于具有较小显示窗口的硬件或软件设计人员,结果表明以下几点:(a)尽管读者不喜欢RSVP,但与早期测试不同,目前允许RSVP中的自定步调和回归的方法是有效且可行的方法; (b)应该通过增加句子之间的停顿或通过重复句子来实现RSVP中较慢的阅读,而不是通过降低句子中的出现率来实现; (c)完井量表不影响性能,通常是首选; (d)节省空间的逐句格式与普通页面格式一样高效且首选。



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