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Inventing International Citizenship: Badminton School and the Progressive Tradition between the Wars


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This article explores an educational experiment mounted at a public school for girls in Bristol in the 1920s and 1930s. In examining the aims and methods of the Badminton School for girls in this period it aims to do two things. The first is to analyse the relationship between the gendered, class-based and nationalist values of the public school system and the aspirations of progressive internationalism that Badminton sought to introduce. The second is to assess how that relationship influenced the citizenship-building role that Badminton (as with all public schools) charged itself with in this period. In answering these questions it is useful to consider the work of Gary McCulloch and Colin McCaig who have reflected on the history of education in the light of Eric Hobsbawm's The Invention of Tradition.1 McCulloch and McCaig argued that the headmaster of Harrow and leading defender of the public schools, Cyril Norwood, summoned the public school tradition in this period 'as a direct response to threats, from rapid sociological and ideological change'.2 Did the progressive public schools also 'invent' tradition in this way? How did the gender of the students and the ideology of the staff influence this process? The interwar period saw the rise of a number of schools that positioned themselves in opposition to the structures and ethos of the public schools but retained their class exclusivity and their confidence in education for leadership. The term 'progressive' was applied to schools that opposed the structures and ethos of the public school tradition root and branch, decrying their repressive moral codes, autocratic value systems and veneration of classical and athletic prowess. 'Progressive' has also been used to refer to schools that accepted the role of elite schooling in shaping models of citizenship and national leadership but aimed to subvert the value-system of the public school tradition in order to mould new kinds of citizens and leaders.3 As we shall see, Badminton was progressive in the latter sense.
机译:本文探讨了1920年代和1930年代在布里斯托尔的一所公立学校为女童开展的教育实验。在研究这一时期羽毛球女子学校的目的和方法时,它的目的是做两件事。首先是分析公立学校系统的性别,基于阶级和民族主义的价值观与羽毛球试图引入的渐进国际主义的愿望之间的关系。第二个是评估这种关系如何影响羽毛球(与所有公立学校一样)在此期间承担的公民建设作用。在回答这些问题时,有必要考虑加里·麦卡洛克(Gary McCulloch)和科林·麦凯格(Colin McCaig)的工作,他们根据埃里克·霍布斯鲍姆(Eric Hobsbawm)的《传统发明》反思了教育历史。 1 麦卡洛克和麦凯格认为,哈罗校长和公立学校的主要辩护人西里尔·诺伍德(Cyril Norwood)召集了这一时期的公立学校传统,“作为对社会和意识形态快速变化带来的威胁的直接反应。” 2 进步的公众是否学校也以这种方式“发明”传统吗?学生的性别和员工的意识形态如何影响这一过程?战时时期,许多学校崛起,它们与公立学校的结构和精神背道而驰,但保留了阶级独占性和对领导力教育的信心。 “进步”一词用于反对公立学校传统根源和分支机构的结构和精神,谴责其压抑性的道德准则,专制的价值体系以及对古典和运动才能的崇敬的学校。 “进步的”也被用来指代接受精英学校在塑造公民和国家领导模式中的作用但旨在颠覆公立学校传统的价值体系以塑造新型公民和领导者的学校。 3 如我们所见,羽毛球在后一种意义上是进步的。



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