首页> 外文期刊>Higher-order and symbolic computation >Integrating User-Level Threads with Processes in Scsh

Integrating User-Level Threads with Processes in Scsh


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Scsh, the Scheme shell, enables concurrent system programming with portable user-level threads. In scsh, threads behave like processes in many ways: each thread receives its own set of process resources; like Unix processes, new threads can inherit resources from the creating thread. The combination of scsh's interface to the POSIX API with user-level threads creates a number of design and implementation challenges: Scsh's abstractions for managing process resources raise interesting modularity issues, particularly in connection with first-class continuations. Scsh also provides an interface to the fork system call; its implementation must avoid common pitfalls that arise with a user-level thread system. This paper describes the design and implementation of the relevant abstractions and discusses the implications for programming-language and system design.
机译:Scheme外壳Scsh通过便携式用户级线程启用并发系统编程。在scsh中,线程在许多方面表现得像进程:每个线程接收自己的一组进程资源;像Unix进程一样,新线程可以从创建线程中继承资源。 scsh到POSIX API的接口与用户级线程的结合带来了许多设计和实现方面的挑战:Scsh用于管理流程资源的抽象提出了有趣的模块化问题,尤其是与一流延续有关的模块化问题。 Scsh还提供了一个到fork系统调用的接口。它的实现必须避免用户级线程系统出现的常见陷阱。本文描述了相关抽象的设计和实现,并讨论了对编程语言和系统设计的影响。



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