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Evidence for inbreeding depression and post-pollination selection against inbreeding in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia

机译:雌雄异株植物Silene latifolia的近交抑制和近交授粉选择的证据

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In many species, inbred individuals have reduced fitness. In plants with limited pollen and seed dispersal, post-pollination selection may reduce biparental inbreeding, but knowledge on the prevalence and importance of pollen competition or post-pollination selection after non-self pollination is scarce. We tested whether post-pollination selection favours less related pollen donors and reduces inbreeding in the dioecious plant Silene latifolia. We crossed 20 plants with pollen from a sibling and an unrelated male, and with a mix of both. We found significant inbreeding depression on vegetative growth, age at first flowering and total fitness (22% in males and 14% in females). In mixed pollinations, the unrelated male sired on average 57% of the offspring. The greater the paternity share of the unrelated sire, the larger the difference in relatedness of the two males to the female. The effect of genetic similarity on paternity is consistent with predictions for post-pollination selection, although paternity, at least in some crosses, may be affected by additional factors. Our data show that in plant systems with inbreeding depression, such as S. latifolia, pollen or embryo selection after multiple-donor pollination may indeed reduce inbreeding. [PUBLICATION ABSTRACT]
机译:在许多物种中,近交个体的适应性降低。在花粉和种子传播受限的植物中,后花粉的选择可能会减少双亲的近亲繁殖,但缺乏关于非自花授粉后花粉竞争或后花粉选择的普遍性和重要性的知识。我们测试了授粉后的选择是否有利于较少相关的花粉供体并减少雌雄异株植物Silene latifolia的近交。我们杂交了20株植物,它们的花粉来自一个同胞和一个没有亲缘关系的雄性,并且混合了两者。我们发现近亲繁殖受到营养生长,初花年龄和总体适应性的影响(男性为22%,女性为14%)。在混合授粉中,无亲缘关系的雄性平均占后代的57%。无关父系的父系份额越大,两个雄性与雌性之间的亲缘性差异就越大。遗传相似性对亲子关系的影响与授粉后选择的预测一致,尽管亲子关系(至少在某些杂交中)可能受到其他因素的影响。我们的数据表明,在具有近交抑制作用的植物系统中,例如阔叶链球菌,在多供体授粉后选择花粉或胚胎可能确实会减少近交。 [出版物摘要]



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