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Audio Research VM220


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When Audio Research first started selling valve amplifiers some 35 years ago, the genre was already obsolete - having been ousted by technically superior transistorised amplifiers. To some observers it must have seemed about as logical as re-introducing the steam car or the Zeppelin airship, but to founder William Z Johnson, it would have been entirely logical. Transistor amplifiers were both lighter and cheaper watt-for-watt than valve-based designs, but there were dark mutterings from a hard-core of audiophiles and music lovers who opined that valves offered a certain sonic something that the upstart transistors didn't and, 35 years later, the debate still goes onln the meantime, the brand has gone from strength to strength and is one of the few North American audiophile manufacturers still in business making the same kind of high-quality, or high-end equipment - and all without pandering to shifting fashion. Indeed, Audio Research Corporation has adhered firmly to a winning formula - build quality to die for and sound quality to match. It still builds the stuff like it used to, with casework featuring chunky panels of finely-finished anodised aluminium and thick black paint. The appearance of its products is more akin to laboratory instrumentation than domestic sound reproducing equipment, but this is the much-loved classic Audio Research look. As is usual in life, quality does not come cheap and the price of these two monoblocks, at £4500 each in the UK, would pay for a perfectly good new family car. Add the price of the reference pre-amp I used with it, at a pound under £10k, and that could buy a good luxury car.
机译:当Audio Research大约在35年前开始销售阀式放大器时,这种类型已经过时了-被技术上优越的晶体管放大器淘汰了。在某些观察家看来,这似乎和重新引入蒸汽车或齐柏林飞艇一样合乎逻辑,但是对于创始人威廉·约翰逊(William Z Johnson)来说,这完全是合乎逻辑的。晶体管放大器比基于瓣膜的设计更轻便,每瓦便宜,但发烧友和音乐爱好者的核心人士暗暗抱怨,他们认为瓣膜提供了某种声音,而新贵晶体管却没有。 ,在35年后,争论仍在继续,与此同时,该品牌的实力也不断增强,是仍在从事制造相同类型的高质量或高端设备业务的少数北美发烧音响制造商之一-所有这些都无需顺应时尚潮流。确实,Audio Research Corporation坚定地遵循了一个成功的惯例-追求卓越的音质和匹配的音质。它仍然使用以前的东西来制造东西,并采用精巧的阳极氧化铝和厚实的黑色油漆制成厚实的面板。其产品的外观比家用声音再现设备更像实验室仪器,但这是备受喜爱的经典Audio Research外观。像往常一样,质量并不便宜,这两个整体式的价格在英国为4500英镑,可以买一辆完美的新家用车。再加上我使用的参考前级放大器的价格,不到1万英镑,则可以买到一辆好豪华的汽车。



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