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Micromega Aria (£3600)

机译:Aria Micromega(3600英镑)

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Such is the march of technology that wireless connectivity of audio and video components is now commonplace in today's networked homes. Since the advent of the Squeezebox and Apple's inexpensive AirPort Express, the ability to access music stored remotely on a computer from the comfort of your living room sofa has become the norm for many music consumers. Just ask your local hi-fi shop how many Sonos multi-room systems it has sold in recent years. Networking functionality now comes virtually free of charge in consumer electronics, modern AV receivers featuring Bluetooth or Apple's AirPlay wireless streaming - or both - as value-added features to capture a would-be buyer's attention. But does it have a place in high-end audio, where sound quality takes precedence over convenience? Micromega clearly believes so, having first created its circa-£1000 WM-10 'wireless DAC in early 2010. Gadget freaks may have howled with derision that a specialist audio firm should have had the temerity to take a £79 Airport Express module, put it in a posh box with a beefed-up power supply and charge 'delusional audiophiles' a grand for the privilege. (Of course, by that same token there's nothing wrong with those free-of-charge patch cables supplied with mass-market gear...)
机译:正是这种技术的进步使音频和视频组件的无线连接现在在当今的联网家庭中变得司空见惯。自Squeezebox出现和苹果公司廉价的AirPort Express以来,从舒适的客厅沙发上访问存储在计算机上的音乐的能力已成为许多音乐消费者的常识。只需询问您当地的高保真商店,最近几年它售出了多少台Sonos多房间系统。现在,消费类电子产品,具有蓝牙功能的现代AV接收机或Apple的AirPlay无线流(或两者兼有)是增值功能,几乎可以免费获得联网功能,从而吸引了潜在的购买者。但是,它在高端音频中占有一席之地吗?在这种音频中,音质优先于便捷性? Micromega明确地相信这一点,于2010年初首次创建了其大约1000英镑的WM-10'无线DAC。小玩意儿可能会嘲笑专业音频公司本应急于购买£79的Airport Express模块​​,它装在一个豪华的盒子中,带有增强的电源,并为“妄想的发烧友”充电,以获取特权。 (当然,基于同样的道理,大众市场设备随附的免费跳线也没有错...)



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