首页> 外文期刊>Head and Neck Pathology >Sclerosing Polycystic Adenosis of the Parotid Gland: Report of a Bifocal, Paucicystic Variant with Ductal Carcinoma in situ and Pronounced Stromal Distortion Mimicking Invasive Carcinoma

Sclerosing Polycystic Adenosis of the Parotid Gland: Report of a Bifocal, Paucicystic Variant with Ductal Carcinoma in situ and Pronounced Stromal Distortion Mimicking Invasive Carcinoma


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We present a case (female patient, age 45 years) with a bifocal, paucicystic variant of sclerosing polycystic adenosis of the parotid gland with cribriform ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and pronounced stromal distortion affecting the in situ component to such an extent that it gave a distinct impression of intralesional invasive adenocarcinoma. P63–and calponin-positive myoepithelial cells were present in the periphery of the acini and ducts in the benign component, somewhat discontinuously in the DCIS-component, and even in the periphery of the small irregular atypical cell nests that appeared infiltrative on the haematoxylin and eosin stained sections. Strong cytoplasmic immunoreactivity for GCDFP-15 was detected in the benign component with a variable, patchy and mostly weak positivity in the DCIS. More than 90% of the cells in the DCIS component displayed strong nuclear immunoreactivity for androgen receptors and 10% of the benign ducts showed positivity. Weak to moderate nuclear immunoreactivity for estrogen receptors was seen in 30% of cells in the benign ductal component whereas the DCIS was negative. Occasional cells in the adenosis-component were weakly positive for PR. The proliferative activity (Mib-1/Ki-67) was low (1–2%) in the benign component whereas increased proliferation was seen in the DCIS and in the areas with pseudoinfiltration which also featured atypical mitoses.
机译:我们提出了一例(女性患者,年龄45岁),患有腮腺多囊性腺硬化性双灶性,多囊性变体,并伴有网状导管癌(DCIS),并且明显的基质变形影响了原位成分给人以病灶内浸润性腺癌的独特印象。在良性成分的腺泡和导管周围,DCIS成分甚至不连续的小的不规则小细胞巢的外围(存在于苏木精和精子中)都存在P63和钙皂素阳性的肌上皮细胞。曙红染色切片。在良性成分中检测到对GCDFP-15的强细胞质免疫反应性,在DCIS中具有可变的,片状的且大多是弱阳性。 DCIS组件中超过90%的细胞显示出对雄激素受体的强核免疫反应性,而10%的良性导管显示出阳性。在良性导管组件中,有30%的细胞对雌激素受体的核免疫反应性较弱至中等,而DCIS为阴性。腺样体成分中的偶然细胞对PR呈弱阳性。良性成分的增殖活性(Mib-1 / Ki-67)低(1-2%),而在DCIS和具有非典型有丝分裂的假浸润区域中,增殖增加。



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