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Semiconductor Execs on Post-Earthquake Second Sourcing and Moore's Law


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This summer I had conversations about the state of our industry with a top manager from each of the five leading automotive semiconductor suppliers: Renesas, Freescale, Infineon, STMicroelectronics and NXP. Here's some of what I learned. Whether or not customers are showing much interest in second sourcing depends on which semiconductor supplier you talk to. While NXP's Kurt Sievers saw a number of customers who desperately tried under short notice to find backup sources right after the Japanese earthquake, he has seen "very little" mention of second sourcing in his company's recent quote requests. However, STMicroelectronics' Paul Grimme is seeing a requirement for second sourcing in at least half of his high-volume RFQs. "The Japanese earthquake only reinforced interest in the subject of risk mitigation strategies," he said.
机译:今年夏天,我与来自五个主要汽车半导体供应商(瑞萨,飞思卡尔,英飞凌,意法半导体和恩智浦)的高级经理就行业状况进行了对话。这是我学到的一些东西。客户是否对二次采购表现出很大的兴趣取决于与您交谈的半导体供应商。虽然NXP的Kurt Sievers看到许多客户在日本大地震后急切地试图在短时间内找到备用资源,但他在公司最近的报价请求中几乎没有提到二次采购。但是,意法半导体(STMicroelectronics)的保罗·格里姆(Paul Grimme)至少有一半的大批量询价中都要求进行第二次采购。他说:“日本地震只会增强人们对降低风险战略的兴趣。”



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