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Two Pollen Diagrams from Southeastern Minnesota: Problems in the Regional Late-Glacial and Postglacial Vegetational History


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Kirchner Marsh and Lake Carlson are located 3 miles apart in Dakota County about 15 miles south of Minneapolis in the St. Croix moraine, which was formed by the Superior lobe during the Cary phase of the Wisconsin glaciation. During the Mankato phase that followed, the Des Moines lobe advanced to within a few miles of the sites. The region today is in a mixed-oak forest, with a maple-basswood forest 15 miles to the west and a re-entrant of the prairie on the sand plain south of the moraine. The general limit of coniferous trees is about 50 miles northeast of the sites, although outliers, especially of Pinus strobus, may be found along the Mississippi Valley a few miles to the east. One sediment core 12–13 m long from each site was analyzed for pollen content at 5–25-cm intervals. Diagrams based on percentage of total pollen (trees, shrubs, wind-pollinated herbs) show essentially identical sequences at the two sites, starting with the late-glacial phase of ice retreat. The diagrams have been subdivided into pollen zones according to the A-B-C sequence introduced by Deevey for New England. The late-glacial pollen record starts at Kirchner Marsh with a short Picea-Cyperaceae-Gramineae phase (Zone K), believed to represent a spruce parkland. Its C-14 date of 13,270 BP and the stratigraphy indicate a pre-Two Creeks and post-Cary correlation. Apparently the Kirchner site did not become established as a lake until this time owing to persistence of dead ice in the moraine. The absence of pollen of specific tundra indicators and the presence of pollen of such thermophilous plants as Fraxinus, Quercus, Corylus, Ambrosia, Humulus, and Typha latifolia imply that the climate was cool rather than cold. Zone A-a, which follows, correlates with the Two Creeks interstade. It is marked by the dominance of Picea, with appreciable percentages of Fraxinus and Ambrosia and with minor amounts of other thermophilous plants and the normal boreal associates of spruce like Betula, Larix, and Salix. Zone A-b, starting 12,050 C-14 years ago, correlates with the Valders ice advance. It is represented at both Kirchner and Carlson and shows the withdrawal of Fraxinus and Ambrosia and the slight rise of Artemisia. Except for the absence of pine in the late-glacial assemblage the vegetation implied by these three zones seems to have its closest modern counterpart in the southern fringe of the Boreal Forest of the Riding Mountain region of southwest Manitoba. It is concluded that pine did not migrate southward with the spruce during the Wisconsin glaciation, at least in the western Great Lakes region, and was thus eliminated from this region. During the late-glacial phases of ice retreat, herbs and spruce pioneered on the deglaciated terrain; pine did not follow until the destruction of the spruce forest at the end of the late-glacial phase. Zone B introduces postglacial time. It represents the time of rapid vegetational succession following the deterioration of the spruce forest. Simultaneous maxima of Betula, Alnus, Fraxinus, and Abies occurred 10,230 years ago at Kirchner Marsh. These were followed rapidly by a Pinus maximum and then a rise of Ulmus, Quercus, and other deciduous types, dated as 9300 years ago at the correlative site of Madelia. This succession may represent differential rates of migration from refuges south and east of Minnesota. Deciduous trees dominate the C Zones. Zone C-a shows Ulmus and Ostrya/Carpinus followed by Quercus; it probably represents principally a mesic maple-basswood forest changing to oak. Zone C-b represents the advance of prairie into the region at the expense of the oak woodland or savanna. The large and abrupt fluctuations in the curves for Ambrosia-type and Chenopodiineae, especially at the Carlson site, may record encroachment of annual weeds onto intermittently dried lake bottoms. C-14 dates place Zone C-b between 7100 and 5100 years ago. In Zone C-c the Quercus again dominates until the abrupt increase in Ambrosia-type and Chenopodiineae that marks the time of forest clearance and land settlement 50–75 years ago.
机译:基希纳沼泽和卡尔森湖位于达科他县(sup> Dakota County)相距3英里,位于明尼阿波利斯市(St. Croix moraine)南部约15英里处,该地区由上浆在 威斯康星州冰川的Cary相。在随后的Mankato 阶段中,得梅因的波瓣前进到距站点数英里的 范围内。如今,该地区位于一片混橡的 森林中,西距15英里处有枫木-木森林,而 则是草原南部的重入草原。 针叶树的总极限是东北部约50英里,尽管可能会发现离群点,特别是松树丛的离群点 沿密西西比河谷以东数英里的地方。 分析了每个站点一个长12–13 m的沉积物芯的 ,其花粉含量为5间隔–25厘米。基于 占总花粉百分比(树木,灌木,风花粉 草药)的图表在两个位置上显示了基本相同的序列, 从冰川退缩期。根据戴维(Deevey)为新英格兰引入的ABC 序列,图 被细分为花粉区域。 晚期冰粉记录始于基希纳具有 短白云杉-莎草科-禾本科相(Z区)的沼泽,被认为 代表云杉林地。它的C-14日期为13,270 BP,并且 地层表明了两次克里克前期和加里后的相关性。 显然,基尔希纳尔地块并未建立为 由于直到 冰mor中的死冰的持续存在,所以才一直保持湖面。特定苔原指示剂 的花粉不存在以及诸如Fraxinus, Quercus,Corylus,Ambrosia,Humulus和Typha latifolia等嗜热植物的花粉暗示 < / sup>气候凉爽而不是寒冷。 随后的Aa区与“两条小河”的交汇处相关。 以云杉的优势为特征,可观水曲柳和失忆症的百分比 以及少量其他嗜热的 植物和云杉的正常北方同伴,如桦木, Larix和柳属。 A-b区始于12050 C-14年前, 与Valders的冰层前移有关。它在Kirchner和Carlson的 代表,并且显示了Fraxinus 和Ambrosia的撤离以及蒿的轻度升高。 除了没有松树外。在晚冰川组合 中,这三个区域所隐含的植被似乎与它的 最接近现代,在北方的南部边缘 得出结论,在威斯康星州冰川形成期间,松树并没有随 云杉向南迁移,至少在西部 大湖地区,因此从该地区被淘汰。 在冰川退缩的晚期冰川期,香草和云杉 在冰冻的地形上处于先驱地位;直到 在冰川末期 结束时云杉林遭到破坏之后,松树才跟随。 B区引入了冰川后时间。它代表了 云杉林退化后的 快速植被演替的时间。 10230年前,基希纳沼泽地出现了桦木、,木,水曲柳, 和Abies的同时最大值。在这些 之后迅速增加了一个Pinus最大值,然后又出现了 乌尔姆斯,栎和其他落叶类型的上升,其年代为9300年 ago。 Madelia的相关站点。该连续性可能 代表从明尼苏达州南部 和东部明尼苏达州避难所迁移的不同速率。 落叶乔木占据了C区。 C-a区显示Ulmus和 Ostrya / Carpinus,后跟栎。它可能主要表示 变成了橡树的中度枫木bas木森林。区 C-b表示在橡树林地或热带稀树草原的 费用下草原向该区域的前进。 Ambrosia型和藜科的曲线的大而突然的波动,特别是在卡尔森地区,可能会记录到一年生杂草的侵略性断断续续地侵袭。sup> 干lake的湖底。 C-14在7100到5100年前之间的日期 C-b区。在Cc区中,栎类再次占据主导地位,直到Ambrosia型和 Chenopodiineae突然增加,这标志着森林清理和土地沉降的时间50– 75年前。


  • 来源
    《GSA Bulletin》 |1963年第11期|1371-1396|共26页
  • 作者单位

    School of Earth Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn U. S. Geological Survey, St. Paul, Minn Shell Oil Co., Houston, Texas;

    School of Earth Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn U. S. Geological Survey, St. Paul, Minn Shell Oil Co., Houston, Texas;

    School of Earth Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn U. S. Geological Survey, St. Paul, Minn Shell Oil Co., Houston, Texas;

    School of Earth Sciences, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minn U. S. Geological Survey, St. Paul, Minn Shell Oil Co., Houston, Texas;

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