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Simulation Assessment of Direct Push Injection Logging for High-Resolution Aquifer Characterization


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Direct push injection logging (DPIL) has become one of the most widely used approaches for obtaining vertical profiles of hydraulic conductivity (K) in environmental site investigations. Despite its widespread use, however, there has been no rigorous analysis of the underlying physical processes that take place during DPIL or how the approach would perform under different hydrogeological and operating conditions. We address these issues through a series of numerical simulations. Results show that the ratio of DPIL injection rate over pressure can be used for direct determination of K when K is >10(-6) m/s. When K is <10(-6) m/s and specific storage (Ss) is >10(-3)/m, the ratio becomes increasingly sensitive to Ss; in that case, additional information on Ss is needed for reliable K estimation. For unconsolidated formations of moderate K or higher, the ratio of injection rate over pressure should provide a reasonable K estimate when Ss is <10(-3)/m. Although water injection at previous depths during continuous DPIL has only a small impact on the pressure response measured at the current injection depth, probe advancement can have a significant impact when K and Ss are small. Consequently, in fine-grained materials, the advancement-generated pore water pressure increase can comprise a large portion of the measured pressure response. To diminish the impact of probe advancement in such materials, advancement speed should be kept as low as possible (e.g., 0.5 cm/s).
机译:在环境现场调查中,直接推注测井(DPIL)已成为获得水力传导率(K)垂直剖面的最广泛使用的方法之一。尽管已被广泛使用,但尚未对DPIL期间发生的基本物理过程或该方法在不同的水文地质和操作条件下的性能进行严格的分析。我们通过一系列数值模拟解决了这些问题。结果表明,当K> 10(-6)m / s时,DPIL注入速率与压力的比值可用于直接测定K。当K <10(-6)m / s并且比存储(Ss)> 10(-3)/ m时,该比率对Ss变得越来越敏感。在这种情况下,需要有关Ss的其他信息来进行可靠的K估计。对于中等K或更高的非固结地层,当Ss <10(-3)/ m时,注入速率与压力之比应提供合理的K估计值。尽管在连续DPIL期间在以前的深度注水对在当前注入深度下测得的压力响应影响很小,但当K和Ss较小时,探头的前进可能会产生重大影响。因此,在细颗粒材料中,推进产生的孔隙水压力增加可占测得压力响应的很大一部分。为了减少探针在这种材料中前进的影响,前进速度应保持尽可能低的速度(例如0.5 cm / s)。



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