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From e-government to we-government: Defining a typology for citizen coproduction in the age of social media


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This paper examines the evolution of citizen coproduction in the age of social media, web 2.0 interactivity, and ubiquitous connectivity. The paper first discusses the re-emergence of citizen coproduction - whereby citizens perform the role of partner rather than customer in the delivery of public services - as a fashionable policy option in the face of persistent budget deficits and the advent of new channels for mass collaboration. Finding a plethora of competing labels, models, and concepts for coproduction in the age of social media, the paper proposes a unified typology to support systematic analysis based on the overarching categories of "Citizen Sourcing." "Government as a Platform," and "Do-It-Yourself Government." To demonstrate its use, the typology is applied to leading U.S. government implementations. The paper concludes with a discussion of the potential implications for public administration, the remaining limitations and rising social concerns, and the possible emergence of a new social contract that empowers the public to play a far more active role in the functioning of their government.
机译:本文考察了社交媒体,Web 2.0交互性和无处不在的连接性时代公民共同生产的演变。本文首先讨论了公民共同生产的重新出现-在持续的预算赤字和大规模合作的新渠道出现时,公民在提供公共服务时扮演合伙人而不是客户的角色-作为一种时髦的政策选择。在社交媒体时代找到了许多共同制作的竞争标签,模型和概念,本文提出了一种统一的类型学,以支持基于“公民采购”总体类别的系统分析。 “政府作为平台”和“自己动手做政府”。为了证明其用途,该类型应用于美国领先的政府实施。本文最后讨论了对公共行政的潜在影响,剩余的局限性和日益严重的社会问题,以及可能出现的新的社会契约,使公众有权在政府职能中发挥更加积极的作用。



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