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Faith Groups and Justice: A Source of Solidarity or Division in the Global Justice Movement? The World Social Forum and Occupy Wall Street as Case Studies


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This article examines the role of faith groups in transnational movements of protest and resistance to neo-liberalism and whether they are a source of division or solidarity within those movements. Drawing on the ideas of Nancy Fraser, we investigate whether different conceptions of justice, including distributive, recognitive, political and environmental, are at the root of tensions between faith and non-faith groups. Using case studies of the World Social Forum (WSF) and Occupy Wall Street (OWS), we identify differences in the conditions under which faith and non-faith groups can achieve solidarity. Faith groups are a source of tension within the WSF, especially around recognitive justice issues such as reproductive rights and sexual orientation in contrast to OWS where faith groups were able to sublimate or reframe the issues to maintain solidarity. Recognitive justice remains a challenge to finding a more accommodative form of justice (Hosseini) which can bridge divisions within the global justice movement.
机译:本文考察了宗教团体在抗议和抵抗新自由主义的跨国运动中的作用,以及它们是这些运动中分裂还是团结的根源。基于南希·弗雷泽(Nancy Fraser)的思想,我们调查了包括分配,认知,政治和环境在内的不同正义观是否是信仰和非信仰团体之间紧张关系的根源。使用世界社会论坛(WSF)和占领华尔街(OWS)的案例研究,我们确定了信仰和非信仰团体可以实现团结的条件差异。信仰团体是世界社会论坛内紧张的根源,特别是在诸如生育权和性取向之类的公认正义问题上,与OWS相比,信仰团体能够升华或重组问题以维持团结。认知正义仍然是寻找一种更宽松的正义形式(侯赛尼)的挑战,这种形式可以弥合全球正义运动中的分歧。



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