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Rethinking equal access: Agency, quality, and norms


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In 2005 the Global Health Council convened healthcare providers, community organizers, policymakers and researchers at Health Systems: Putting Pieces Together to discuss health from a systems perspective. Its report and others have established healthcare access and quality as two of the most important issues in health policy today. Still, there is little agreement about what equal access and quality mean for health system development. At the philosophical level, few have sought to understand why differences in healthcare quality are morally so troubling. While there has been considerable work in medical ethics on equal access, these efforts have neglected health agency (individuals' ability to work toward health goals they value) and health norms, both of which influence individuals' ability to be healthy. This paper argues for rethinking equal access in terms of an alternative ethical aim: to ensure the sdcial conditions in which all individuals have the capability to be healthy. This perspective requires that we examine injustices not just by the level of healthcare resources, but by the: (1) quality of those resources and their capacity to enable effective health functioning; (2) extent to which society supports health agency so that individuals can convert healthcare resources into health functioning; and (3) nature of health norms, which affect individuals' efforts to achieve functioning.
机译:2005年,全球卫生理事会召集了医疗保健提供者,社区组织者,政策制定者和研究人员参加“卫生系统:拼凑而成”,从系统角度讨论卫生问题。其报告和其他报告将医疗保健的获取和质量确定为当今卫生政策中最重要的两个问题。但是,关于平等获取和质量对卫生系统发展意味着什么尚无共识。在哲学层面上,很少有人试图理解为什么医疗保健质量的差异在道德上如此令人困扰。尽管在医疗伦理方面已经有大量工作涉及平等机会,但是这些努力忽略了卫生机构(个人朝着他们重视的健康目标努力的能力)和健康规范,这两者都会影响个人的健康能力。本文主张从另一种道德目标的角度重新考虑平等获得机会:确保所有个人都有健康能力的特殊条件。这种观点要求我们不仅根据医疗资源的水平来审查不公正现象,而且还应根据以下方面进行审查:(1)这些资源的质量及其实现有效卫生功能的能力; (2)社会在多大程度上支持卫生机构,以便个人可以将卫生保健资源转化为健康功能; (3)健康规范的性质,影响个人为实现功能而做出的努力。



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