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Reducing resistance to polio immunisation with free health camps and Bluetooth messaging: An update from Kaduna, Northern, Nigeria


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Since 1997, the Global Polio Eradication Initiative has sponsored regular door-to-door polio immunisation campaigns in northern Nigeria. On 30 July 2015, the country was finally declared poliofree, a hard won success. At various times, polio eradication has been threatened by rumours and community tensions. For example, in 2003, local Imams, traditional leaders and politicians declared a polio campaign boycott, due to the concerns about the safety of the polio vaccine. Although the campaigns resumed in 2004, many parents continued to refuse vaccination because of the persistence of rumours of vaccine contamination, and anger about the poor state of health services for conditions other than polio. To address this, UNICEF and Nigerian Government partners piloted two interventions: (1) mobile 'health camps' to provide ambulatory care for conditions other than polio and (2) an audiovisual clip about vaccine safety and other health issues, shareable on multimedia mobile phones via Bluetooth pairing. The mobile phone survey found that Bluetooth compatible messages could rapidly spread behavioural health messages in low-literacy communities. The health camps roughly doubled polio vaccine uptake in the urban ward where it was piloted. This suggests that polio eradication would have been accelerated by improving primary health care services.
机译:自1997年以来,全球根除小儿麻痹症倡议在尼日利亚北部发起了定期的门到门小儿麻痹症免疫运动。 2015年7月30日,该国终于宣布无脊髓灰质炎,这是一次来之不易的成功。在许多时候,谣言和社区紧张局势都在根除脊髓灰质炎。例如,由于担心脊髓灰质炎疫苗的安全性,2003年,当地的伊玛目(Imams),传统领导人和政客宣布抵制脊髓灰质炎运动。尽管运动于2004年重新开始,但由于疫苗感染谣言的持续存在,许多父母继续拒绝接种疫苗,并对除小儿麻痹症以外的其他疾病的健康服务状况感到愤怒。为了解决这个问题,联合国儿童基金会和尼日利亚政府合作伙伴试行了两种干预措施:(1)移动“医疗营”为小儿麻痹症以外的疾病提供门诊服务;(2)关于疫苗安全和其他健康问题的视听剪辑,可在多媒体手机上共享通过蓝牙配对。这项手机调查发现,与蓝牙兼容的消息可以在低文化程度的社区中迅速传播行为健康消息。卫生营在试点的城市病房中大约将脊髓灰质炎疫苗的使用量增加了一倍。这表明,通过改善初级卫生保健服务可以加速消灭脊髓灰质炎。



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