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Conducting Business in Australia: Prospects and Strategies for International Managers


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Australia, with a competitive, modern economy, an educated workforce, modern communications, and its positioning on the doorstep of Asia, has attracted many international businesses that have enjoyed success there. Some companies that immediately come to mind are Nokia and Optus (Singtel) in the case of telecommunications, IKEA in home design, the global accounting firms, and well-known brands such as Google, Yahoo, and FedEx. Australia has attracted to its shores well-known food franchises, such as McDonald's, KFC, Starbucks, and Baskin-Robbins. It has airlines, including Virgin Blue; the big agriculture and mining equipment companies such as Rio Tinto; Rivers and other big clothing companies; computing companies such as Hewlett-Packard; and manufacturers such as Toyota. Looking to the future, Australia offers significant investment and business opportunities for international managers seeking a presence there for their firms. This article provides an overview of the Australian business, government, and legal scene and offers some practical guidance for managers who decide to venture there.
机译:澳大利亚以竞争激烈的现代经济,受过良好教育的劳动力,现代化的通讯技术以及其在亚洲门前的地位吸引了许多在该国获得成功的国际企业。立即想到的一些公司是电信业的诺基亚和Optus(Singtel),家居设计的宜家,全球会计公司以及Google,Yahoo和FedEx等知名品牌。澳大利亚吸引了许多著名的食品特许经营权,如麦当劳,肯德基,星巴克和巴斯金罗宾斯。它拥有航空公司,包括维珍蓝航空;力拓(Rio Tinto)等大型农业和采矿设备公司;河流等大型服装公司;惠普等计算公司;以及丰田等制造商。展望未来,澳大利亚为寻求为其公司驻扎国际经理人提供了重大的投资和商业机会。本文概述了澳大利亚的商业,政府和法律环境,并为决定在澳大利亚冒险的管理人员提供了一些实用的指导。



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