首页> 外文期刊>Global and planetary change >Dynamics of Late Quaternary North African humid periods documented in the clay mineral record of central Aegean Sea sediments

Dynamics of Late Quaternary North African humid periods documented in the clay mineral record of central Aegean Sea sediments


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The ratio between the clay minerals kaolinite and chlorite has been investigated in high resolution in a late Quaternary sediment core from the central Aegean Sea. The record spans the last ca. 105 ka. The kaolinite/ chlorite ratio was used to reconstruct the fine-grained aeolian dust influx from the North African deserts, mainly derived from desiccated lake depressions. It therewith can be used as a proxy for wind activity, aridity and vegetation cover in the source area. The data document three major humid phases in North Africa bracketing the formation of sapropel layers S4, S3 and S1. They occur at >105-95 ka, 83.5-72 ka and 14-2 ka. The first two phases are characterised by relatively abrupt lower and upper boundaries suggesting a non-linear response of vegetation to precipitation, with critical hydrological thresholds. In contrast, the onset and termination of the last humid period were more gradual. Highest kaolinite/chlorite ratios indicating strongest aeolian transport and aridity occur during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5b, at ca. 95-84 ka. The long-term decrease in kaolinite/chlorite ratios during the last glacial period indicates a gradual decline of deflatable lake sediments in the source areas.
机译:在爱琴海中部第四纪晚期沉积岩心中,高分辨率研究了粘土矿物高岭石与绿泥石之间的比例。记录跨越最后一个ca。 105 ka。高岭石/绿泥石的比率被用来重建北非沙漠的细粒风沙尘埃涌入,这些尘埃涌入主要来自干燥的湖洼。因此,它可以用作源区中的风活动,干旱和植被覆盖的代理。数据记录了北非的三个主要湿润阶段,构成了腐腐土层S4,S3和S1的形成。它们发生在> 105-95 ka,83.5-72 ka和14-2 ka。前两个阶段的特征是上下边界相对突然,表明植被对降水具有非线性水文临界值的非线性响应。相反,最后一个湿润期的开始和结束是渐进的。最高的高岭石/亚氯酸盐比值表明最强的风成因和干旱发生在海洋同位素阶段(MIS)5b期间,大约在。 95-84 ka。在最后一个冰川期,高岭石/亚氯酸盐比率的长期下降表明源区可膨胀的湖沉积物逐渐减少。



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