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Reconstructing ice-age palaeoclimates: Quantifying low-CO2 effects on plants


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We present a novel method to quantify the ecophysiological effects of changes in CO2 concentration during the reconstruction of climate changes from fossil pollen assemblages. The method does not depend on any particular vegetation model. Instead, it makes use of general equations from ecophysiology and hydrology that link moisture index (MI) to transpiration and the ratio of leaf-internal to ambient CO2 (chi). Statistically reconstructed MI values are corrected post facto for effects of CO2 concentration. The correction is based on the principle that e, the rate of water loss per unit carbon gain, should be inversely related to effective moisture availability as sensed by plants. The method involves solving a non-linear equation that relates e to MI, temperature and CO2 concentration via the Fu-Zhang relation between evapotranspiration and MI, Monteith's empirical relationship between vapour pressure deficit and evapotranspiration, and recently developed theory that predicts the response of chi to vapour pressure deficit and temperature. The solution to this equation provides a correction term for Ml. The numerical value of the correction depends on the reconstructed MI. It is slightly sensitive to temperature, but primarily sensitive to CO2 concentration. Under low LGM CO2 concentration the correction is always positive, implying that LGM climate was wetter than it would seem from vegetation composition. A statistical reconstruction of last glacial maximum (LGM, 21 +/- 1 kyr BP) palaeoclimates, based on a new compilation of modern and LGM pollen assemblage data from Australia, is used to illustrate the method in practice. Applying the correction brings pollen-reconstructed LGM moisture availability in southeastern Australia better into line with palaeohydrological estimates of LGM climate. (C) 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:我们提出了一种新颖的方法来量化从化石花粉组合重建气候变化过程中二氧化碳浓度变化的生态生理效应。该方法不依赖于任何特定的植被模型。取而代之的是,它利用了来自生态生理学和水文学的通用方程式,该方程式将水分指数(MI)与蒸腾作用以及叶片内部与周围CO2的比率(chi)联系在一起。统计重建的MI值将针对CO2浓度的影响事后进行校正。校正基于以下原理:e,即每单位碳增加的失水率,应与植物感测到的有效水分利用率成反比。该方法涉及通过蒸发蒸腾量和MI之间的Fu-Zhang关系,蒸气压亏缺和蒸发蒸腾量之间的蒙特西经验关系,以及最近开发的预测气态响应的理论来求解与MI,温度和CO2浓度相关的非线性方程式蒸气压不足和温度。该方程的解提供了对M1的校正项。校正的数值取决于重建的MI。它对温度稍微敏感,但主要对CO2浓度敏感。在LGM CO2浓度较低的情况下,校正值始终是正值,这意味着LGM气候比从植被组成看要湿。基于新近收集的澳大利亚现代和LGM花粉组合数据,对最后一次冰川最大(LGM,21 +/- 1 kyr BP)古气候的统计重建,用于说明该方法的实际应用。应用该校正方法可以使澳大利亚东南部花粉重建的LGM水分供应量更好地与LGM气候的古水文估计相符。 (C)2017 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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